How visualization works.  Visualization of desires: techniques, basic principles and recommendations.  Completeness of not only visual sensations

How visualization works. Visualization of desires: techniques, basic principles and recommendations. Completeness of not only visual sensations

Visualization is almost the only true way to fulfill and realize desires, which I know and love very much. In fact, we never stop visualizing, we can just do it purposefully, attracting the desired reality into our life, or we may not even realize it. Well, for example, when you want coffee or chocolate, at that moment a corresponding picture always appears in your head or the taste and smell of what you want is remembered. But you don’t have to put in any effort, it happens naturally and easily. Looking back, I understand that I attracted a lot of events and things into my life precisely through unconscious visualization.

But not everything always happens naturally and, encountering various obstacles on our way, overcome by fear and self-doubt, we, in most cases, give up the desire and decide not to think about it, so as not to remember our failures. Sometimes a fleeting thought “Oh, if only...” flies by and life goes on as usual. But this is where you shouldn’t give up, but on the contrary: a dream can be materialized only if you think about it, imagine it and be on the same wavelength with it.

There are many nuances to proper and effective visualization. The main thing is not to give up at the very beginning, you need to get used to the process and disconnect from distracting thoughts, fears and doubts. You should not be afraid of the first failures and wrong steps; in this matter, perseverance is extremely important. When I started using visualization, my thoughts kept wandering in the wrong direction, and I was never able to draw a clear picture in my mind. Then I started visualizing after or during meditation. I just lay down, closed my eyes and let the thoughts flow freely in my head, and when my mind calmed down and my consciousness cleared, then I imagined and dreamed as hard as I could.

“Desire is the name of a river in which instead of water there are dreams, instead of will there is thirst, a crocodile of passion lurks in it, and crows of worries circle above it, it washes away the roots of the tree of courage, it is full of deep and difficult to avoid whirlpools of illusions, its banks are strewn with sharp rocks of anxiety; only those who crossed it rejoice.” [Bhartrihari]

At that time, I really wanted to have a dog and I decided that I would start by fulfilling this very desire. After reading reviews and advice, I began to draw my future ideal pet in my head with encouragement and enthusiasm. The first time I realized that visualization is a very difficult thing. To begin with, you need to very clearly define the object of desire. For example, I didn’t care at all about the breed of dog, I just wanted something fluffy. Therefore, each time I had different pictures and slides. This only confused and interfered, I often hesitated. Then I began to be overcome by doubts about the effectiveness of this method and the reality of what was happening. But having pulled myself together, I decided to decide on a specific breed. I remember that at that time I devoted almost all my free time to sites and forums about different dogs. In order not to miss the opportunity, I decided that I would represent not just a picture with a puppy, but myself and my feelings as a person who already has a dog. So, during the next visualization, I thought about where he would sleep, where to put his bowl, where to store his toys. Then I imagined myself choosing a leash, collar, etc. And you know, the more I thought about it, the more actively reality answered me:
I met people walking puppies more often, although before that there were significantly fewer of them;
several times I received a gift in the form of a stuffed dog, just like that, without any particular reason;
the guy I was dating at the time started talking more often about how we could get a puppy;
and the most important thing was that a friend advised me to watch the movie “Hachiko” with Richard Gere, and it was with this film that I clearly understood what kind of dog I wanted.

And after that everything became simpler and clearer. Now I not only imagined myself with a puppy, but also tried to feel the warmth of the fur when touched, its weight when you hold it in your arms, even its smell. Over time, my visions became more realistic, and at the end I felt satisfied and smiled. For me, this was an indicator of the success of the visualization.
The whole process took me 7 months, at the end of which I had the chance to quickly and unexpectedly earn a decent amount of money, and no expenses were expected. And it was the breeder that I had my eye on on the Internet who offered to buy me a wonderful puppy and even reduced the price a little. That's how I became the proud owner of an equally proud Akita Inu.

Of course, a lot of time has passed since then and I learned to realize my desires much faster with the help of visualization, but it was this experience that helped me learn important lessons for myself, understand where I made mistakes and how to avoid them in the future.

Rules for effective visualization for fulfillment of desires:
1) It is necessary to be a direct participant in the visualized situation and dream in the first person. Everything should be like in real life, i.e. It’s absolutely not worth looking at yourself from the outside. If you watch what is happening as a spectator in a movie, and not as an actor, then this is exactly what will happen in life: you will see how your desire is fulfilled by others. Visualization is a preliminary version of reality, as you imagine it, so it will be realized, maybe not with all the details, but the essence will be the same.

In one of my first visualizations, I imagined myself in a dress and shoes, in which I would go to a graduation ceremony and amaze everyone present with my excellent appearance. But due to my inexperience, I saw everything through the eyes of an observer, I saw all the details on myself, but at the same time I was, as it were, outside my body. Needless to say, I went to that meeting dressed completely differently, because at the last moment I had very large expenses and I simply didn’t have enough money for what I dreamed of. To top it all off, my disappointment knew no bounds when first one of my former classmates came in that very dress, and then another in those very shoes. Having realized and accepted my mistake, I imagined myself admiring my reflection in the mirror and photographs in this outfit. A week later, I already shone in this dress and shoes at a friend’s birthday, and money came to me in the most unexpected way in the form of returning a debt (long forgotten as deeply hopeless).

2) The picture presented should not be static; you need to replay a rather dynamic movie in your head. Relax, close your eyes and imagine yourself with your desire already fulfilled and watch what happens. What's happening now? Are you feeling good, are you smiling? Look around, what is the situation there, what is in front of you, behind you, to the left and to the right? What color and shape are the surrounding objects? Do they even exist? Think about who you will share your joy with, how you will talk to them or call them, or write on social networks. Just mentally walk through your imagination and fully enjoy the fulfillment of your desire, immerse yourself in this feeling. If after visualization a smile appears from ear to ear and a feeling of warmth in the heart area, then everything went correctly and reality will soon materialize this dream.

When I visualized successfully passing the state exam, I imagined everything in great detail: I thought through my appearance from my hairstyle to my shoes; wallpaper on the walls of the room and blinds on the windows, instructive inscription on the university blackboard; a bouquet of flowers on the examiners' table, water bottles and plastic cups on all tables; the number of tickets and how they will be stored; the examiners themselves and their appearance; myself taking a ticket and saying its number, a feeling of joy from the fact that I got the easiest questions and I even know that I will definitely pass it perfectly; how I write abstracts of answers, click on a calculator and look at my fellow students next to me; challenging me to answer and my brilliant performance, few additional questions and delight of the teachers; how I leave the office and call my parents one by one to tell them everything in detail; As everyone’s grades are announced and mine, naturally, makes me very happy. At the end I was always filled with joy and a sense of satisfaction. I started visualizing a couple of weeks before the exam and did about four such visualizations. What a delight I was when the real bouquet of flowers was almost identical to the imaginary one, the brand of water was the same, one of the examiners was dressed exactly like in my imagination, and the ticket number corresponded to what I wanted. As soon as I saw him, I felt so at ease and comfortable that I very quickly wrote an answer and volunteered to answer. My fear of performing seemed to disappear, and in its place was an unshakable confidence. Of course, I passed with flying colors and received a lot of praise.

3) It is not enough just to look at an imaginary reality; it must be felt by all other senses. This way it will become much more realistic and will give you much more faith in your own success. Stop and pay attention to the aromas and sounds coming (the smell of flowers, gasoline, perfume, baked goods, music, the noise of cars, people's voices, the patter of their feet, etc.). Touch the surrounding objects, examine their texture and contents. When dreaming about a wedding, money or travel, you can imagine the roughness of the paper from which the marriage certificate, bills, checks, vouchers and tickets are made. To include your sense of taste, you can remember your favorite drink or dish, or even better, tie them to the plot of the visualization. It will be very difficult at the beginning, but with practice it will even begin to be enjoyable.
I remember that when I visualized a trip with my fiancé to major European cities, I imagined not only the preparation process and the trip itself, but also the touch of the keyboard when searching for information on the Internet, eye fatigue from spending too much time at the computer, the texture of plane tickets , the sound of a suitcase being zipped up, the noise of an airplane and train, the taste of food and drinks on the plane, the sound of steps along the main streets of cities and the sound of stones flying out from under our feet, the cries of seagulls and the sea surf, the warmth of the sun's rays and raindrops on your skin, kisses and the touch of a loved one, a flash from a camera, etc. The trip was wonderful, there were no delays anywhere, the weather was amazing, and much of what was imagined came true, even the taste of our favorite national treats.

4) To easily return to the plot of your visualization, you need to fix one slide. This could be a particularly memorable moment or something significant to you. You can describe this slide in a notebook, find a similar image or photograph and carry it with you or hang it anywhere. It could also be a smell or a melody. All this will help not only to easily return to the visualization itself, but also during the day, when you are overcome by fears, doubts and other negativity, just remember or look at your slide and your mood will instantly improve, faith will return, and very soon your desire will will catch up. You can create a special vision board in material form or electronic on a computer.

Personally, I always use different things as such a slide and, basically, they come to me on their own during visualization. At the very end, when I have already opened my eyes, there is always some vivid memory of the desire itself or the sound and aroma associated with it. For example, for a wedding wish, I put an image of the newlyweds’ hands with wedding rings on the computer screensaver, and also created a folder with a selection of beautiful wedding dresses, bouquets and interiors. The favorite song of my then future husband reminded me of the first dance of the bride and groom; it was to this song that we danced in my visualization. I set it as an alarm on my phone to start the day with a happy feeling. This wish came true in a very funny way: I helped my friend’s boyfriend prepare a marriage proposal for her, but it turned out that it was all planned by my fiancé, and in the end I was asked to get married to the tune mentioned above. Moreover, the husband does not know why he chose her, he simply says that this was the only point of the entire event that was not in doubt. Three months passed from the decision to start visualizing the wedding to the most cherished proposal, during which I never even gave my boyfriend a hint about my desire.

5) Let go of the desire. This means not giving up on it or completely forgetting about it, but stopping worrying about whether it will come true or not, and not checking every minute how things are going. After all, if you break your arm or get seriously injured, you won’t be constantly tearing off the bandage or taking off the cast to make sure everything is going as it should. You just know that everything is healing and you wait patiently for it to heal. So here, you don’t need to be afraid or choke yourself with your control, just visualize and have time to act when what you want begins to materialize in the surrounding reality. This means not weighing the pros and cons, or calculating the likelihood of it coming true, but taking some steps towards your dream (learning about possibilities and options, paying attention to life around you, agreeing to something new and unknown, being happy and grateful for your life and people in it).

For example, in such cases, I prepare my space for the appearance of a visualized desire in my life: I make room in the closet for new things; I buy a keychain for car keys and a cover for a driver’s license, sign up for driving courses, go to car dealerships and sit behind the wheel of different cars to feel everything down to the smallest detail; Wanting to lose weight, I specifically pay attention to smaller size clothes and try them on (and even buy them); when thinking about a new home, I buy new trinkets for it or do something with my own hands; Wanting to learn to swim, I clear my schedule for swimming lessons in advance and immediately buy everything necessary for this; dreaming of new furniture, I go to furniture showrooms and stores, getting acquainted with the assortment, materials, color schemes and other options. And this helps: we bought an apartment on very favorable terms for us, in an excellent area and with good neighbors; My husband and our parents gave me a car, and that very cherished one; recently updated most of the furniture; I learned to swim in literally two lessons, and this was due to my childhood trauma; My closets are simply bursting with things, and the most interesting thing is that I bought a lot of things at the most tempting prices or received them as gifts; The problem of excess weight has not bothered me for nine years now, and I eat like two hungry men.

6) Visualization should become a regular habit, preferably daily. To ensure that the feelings and emotions that arise are just as sharp and fresh every time, you can add new details or continue the development of the plot for as long as you like. You can visualize at any time and it has no time frame, the main thing is the final feeling of satisfaction and warmth in the chest or solar plexus.

Desire visualization map
Instead of text, I post a video. In it, Diana briefly and concisely outlines the essence of visualization.

Before going to bed, I always visualize my wonderful next day, setting my energy up for success and positivity. I try not to plan because I don’t like schedules, but if there are obligatory events, I imagine their successful outcome. But for visualizing desires, I leave the morning or afternoon so that I can be cheerful and pay enough attention to all the details of my dreams.

If you follow all the rules and take into account all the nuances, then any desire can really be realized with the help of visualization. The main thing is to believe in yourself and your capabilities, not to be afraid of obstacles, but to know for sure that it is impossible not to overcome them. I sincerely hope that my advice and my experience will help fulfill all your desires and bring joy and harmony into your life. Visualize, do not stop improving this process, develop your imagination, and then everything will definitely work out.

You can start working with goals from the first visualization. The main thing is to know how to build the process itself. Let's talk about this.


Before starting the visualization process, you first need to completely relax and bring your consciousness to the alpha level ─ a state in which the electrical activity of brain neurons slows down. Then the effect will be tens of times stronger than if you start working in the usual “crazy” beta state for you and me. Any method of relaxation is suitable: yoga, mantras, breathing exercises. Robert Stone, for example, recommends simply counting slowly from ten to zero. In this case, you can sit or lie, the main thing is to keep your back straight.

All “teachers” recommend choosing goals that can be realized in the near future. Thus, the author of the book “Creative Visualization” Shakti Gawain advises setting down goals in writing for five years in advance, then for a year, for a month and for a week. Planning ─ both in business and in personal affairs ─ in general should become a habit - you should know what you want.

Once you are completely relaxed, begin to imagine exactly what you want. You can start with something simple (for example, your favorite dish and its taste) - mentally examine it as carefully as possible. You may want to imagine something else - a landscape, a familiar person, or an entire situation. The main thing is that this whole process should be very, very pleasant for you. You personally must be present in these paintings - possess an imaginary object, be a participant in the events. You can hold the picture in your mind as long as you want, but you need to complete the process with a positive attitude like (“I love strifel apples,” “There is nothing more wonderful than a day by the sea,” or “I have a great relationship with this person”).


The most important thing in visualization is the process. Proceed according to the following plan.

Step one. Having entered a meditative state, draw a picture in your mind: imagine the object or situation you need with the maximum number of details and details. Include yourself in the composition and try to think of what you want as having already happened.

Step two. Focus on it as often as possible – several times (as many times as you like) a day.

Step three. Give her positive energy. Repeat silently and out loud, sing, write down and sketch positive attitudes. You can read them somewhere or come up with them yourself. For example, “I have a big house by the sea, and I enjoy receiving guests in it.”


Personal development experts advise thinking positively, thanking the Universe every day, and avoiding the company of negative people. Visualization practitioners have their own techniques for achieving their goals faster.

Vision board. Make a collage of pictures and words to help you focus on your goals. The composition should evoke strong positive emotions. In the center is your image or something that symbolizes your goal. The board should be in a visible place. You can supplement it, and after achieving or revising your goals, replace it with a new one. Feel free to use infinity symbols: shining sun, cross, Buddha. You can also use colors: if your goal is related to money - green, if it lies in the spiritual sphere - blue, if it is about feelings - pink or red.

Shakti Gawain suggests keeping a gratitude journal, recording your victories, various rituals and exercises every day. For your deepest desires and hopes (such as the dream of a family or the birth of a child), a “pink bubble” is suitable. It’s done like this: a clear picture is mentally surrounded by a pink bubble, which you release into the Universe to collect the energy necessary for its manifestation.

Stone exercise(in particular, it greatly improves relationships with colleagues or the boss). Enter a meditative state and imagine your ill-wisher. Now imagine an aura of light around you until you feel warmth. Let it embrace the other person too. Mentally say: “Your attitude towards me is not my problem. Why don't you change it?" Imagine shaking hands or hugging.

Richard Bandler's whistle. If you want to change something in your behavior, you can try the technique of Richard Bandler, one of the creators of neuro-linguistic programming. Your task is to create and keep two pictures in your head: the one that you want to change, and the one that makes you happy. Then place each one in a frame. First, make the nice picture smaller and put it aside. Enlarge the picture you want to change, and then do the opposite. Try to hear the sound while resizing pictures and moving them, let it be a whistle.

Making wishes come true with the power of thought - is it real? What is visualization? How to correctly visualize desires so that they come true?

Friends, here is a great article about fulfillment of desires thanks to the power of thought And visualization. You may have heard something about this, but you can’t yet boast of impressive results. In this case, just read this article: you will learn how to fulfill any of your cherished desires with the power of thought, not to mention everyday ones. This is something that will truly make your life better!

Have your wishes ever come true? Do you remember how much happiness you felt then? So, dear readers of SZOZH. You can make your wishes come true much more effectively. The power of thought with visualization will help us with this. So, are you ready to change your life with the power of your thoughts? Today we will study in detail the technique of making wishes come true.

The power of thought... How does it work? When we think about something, our thoughts emit waves at a certain frequency. Each object of our thoughts has its own radiation frequency.

The law of attraction operates in the universe: like is attracted to like. If we purposefully or simply regularly dream about something, then the universe has no choice but to fulfill our desires. Sometimes it takes a lot of time, sometimes it takes little. The time of fulfillment of desires depends on many factors, which we will consider further. But the result in the form of fulfillment of desire is stable. This, my friends, is the law of attraction in action! We get what we think about, what we concentrate on.?

Has it ever happened that you unexpectedly received something you dreamed of once in the past? Have there been situations when you just had to think about a person, and he immediately called you or met you on the way? Have there ever been such magical situations when as soon as you thought about something, it suddenly found you?

Accidents are not accidental. This is precisely the manifestation of the power of thought.⭐️

“Wait, wait! After all, much more often my dreams and desires do not come true!” - you say. And you'll be right. Often nothing happens despite our thoughts. But! Desires are not fulfilled only because we misuse the power of thought.

You can (and should) learn the power of thought. Do you want to know how to visualize a desire correctly? Do you want to learn how to control the power of thought? Are you striving to change your life with the power of thought? Healthy lifestyle will tell you how to do this correctly and effectively.


By visualizing our desires, we fulfill them with the help of the universe. The law of attraction works on our side if we want it to. We always get what we think about most. And our life is at least half the result of our thoughts.

Visualization is the representation of the fulfillment of a desire in the imagination. Not just a representation of a desire, but a representation of its fulfillment! This is the key point.

For example, if you visualize how you lack something, the universe will listen and make this lack in your life even greater.

But if you visualize the very process of owning something or achieving something, then the universe will fulfill your desire. You will get what you need.

The main thing in visualization is to completely surrender to the feelings and emotions that will fill you when your desire is fulfilled. It is equally important to be the protagonist of your visualization. Then everything will definitely work out!

For example, you dream of a loving family, a big house, a fast car. There is no point in thinking about it as something distant from you. Imagine yourself driving comfortably along the highway in your car. Feel all the joy and euphoria from owning this iron horse. Feel how, when you press the gas pedal, happiness fills you, and your heart beats faster from the strong acceleration. Are you feeling inspired and excited right now? If yes, then you are visualizing your desire correctly. Let's continue! You are in a hurry to get home. Here you are driving through the gates of your own large house and putting your car in the garage. The house amazes with its grandeur, and it is very cozy. Your children are playing in the yard, and you join in their play, have fun and fool around, experiencing sincere pleasure. Your beloved leaves the house, laughs and calls you to the table. Mmm, delicious! And how wonderful it is when the whole family is together. There are so many interesting things to discuss. You feel so good with your family! After lunch, you decide to take a walk in the wonderful garden that surrounds your house. The smell of cherry blossoms, the smell of freshness and life flows into your lungs. Sometimes you feel like you're in a dream, but you pinch yourself and make sure it's real. Your reality, the one you chose!

This is roughly how visualization of any desire occurs. Enjoy, live your desire - and it will certainly come true! When you imagine the fulfillment of a desire in every detail, the powerful forces of the universe fulfill it. The universe always follows the path of least resistance. Because it’s easier this way - there’s less energy loss. Therefore, persistently scrolling through the picture of the fulfillment of a desire in your head sooner or later leads to its real fulfillment. The power of thought attracts into your life everything you desire, including happiness and health. Take advantage of it!

How to visualize a desire correctly? Do it when you see fit. Naturally, the more often and regularly you visualize, the better. But you shouldn’t go too far, otherwise you’ll lead yourself to a nervous breakdown. Let visualization be a joy for you - do it regularly when you feel the right moment. That is, you need to experience pleasure from the process itself. If it is, then you are doing everything right!

So, friends, you and I have learned to correctly visualize the fulfillment of desires. Now you know that the power of human thought is capable of much. But how to develop the power of thought? How to speed up the fulfillment of desires? If you want to learn how to “professionally” use the power of thought, then the information below will also be very useful for you.

Technique for making wishes come true with the power of thought

The technology for making wishes come true is simple—you just need to follow some laws. As already mentioned, the power of thought is influenced by many factors. They are in front of you! Remember them and apply the acquired knowledge when visualizing.

This will help your power of thought to fulfill desires much more effectively.

  1. Don't overestimate the importance. This is one of the key laws of wish fulfillment. For example, if you put everything on one card, cutting off all escape routes, telling yourself “I will get this, otherwise my life has no meaning” - then you are greatly overestimating the importance. You already know that the universe operates along the path of least resistance. By inflating your importance you are providing the strongest resistance. That is, you, without meaning to, are preventing the universe from fulfilling your desire. Therefore, desires with inflated importance are rarely fulfilled. Or the execution time increases significantly. All this can be avoided if you do not inflate excessive importance. Healthy indifference helps with this. The lower the importance, the easier it is to fulfill desires. Imagine that you are going to the store to buy bread. The importance is zero or close to it, right? The closer to this level the importance of your other desires is, the better they will be fulfilled.
  2. Know that everything will work out. Fulfillment of desires is like walking in pitch darkness. Nothing is visible and it is not clear where we are going. Is the finish line soon? Are we moving in the right direction? There are no answers. Only the unknown! The worst thing you can do in this situation is to decide that wish fulfillment does not work in your case. This is mistake! Maybe your wish has almost come true, but you stopped believing in its fulfillment, and thereby canceled the order. Therefore, friends, don’t even believe, but know. For knowledge is stronger than faith. In order to know, start with small desires. They execute faster. And when you are convinced of the effectiveness of the power of thought, then aim for larger desires. Know that everything will definitely work out.
  3. Everything has its time. This follows from the previous point. Yes, the unknown is depressing. No one will provide us with exact deadlines for the fulfillment of our desires. Expecting quick results is one of the main mistakes visualizers make. Not seeing an immediate response to our actions, we become disappointed in the power of thought. Because of this, we risk not getting anything or getting it when the need for it no longer exists. And the reason is that you simply did not have enough patience. Just keep the importance at zero and know that everything will work out sooner or later. Have patience, by doing this we significantly strengthen the power of thought, because following the chosen course is of great importance. Panic and disappointment do not lead to anything good. Patience, friends, just patience. Remember this!
  4. Expand your comfort zone. If you want to be rich, but you yourself eat the cheapest instant noodles, then you urgently need to work on expanding your comfort zone. The Universe gives us only what we deserve. What are we worthy of? Only we ourselves can determine this. We only get what we can afford ourselves. You cannot get something if you consider yourself unworthy of it. To fulfill a desire and allow yourself to have it, you need to prepare in advance for its fulfillment. Let go of the idea that it is too expensive or difficult for you right now. Consider what you like and forget about the means and ways to achieve it. Compare, choose as if you can buy or receive it today. The Universe will arrange for you to receive what you need. Your wish will definitely come true if you allow yourself to have what you want.
  5. Take action! As Bill Gates said: “A dollar can’t fly between your sofa and your ass.” A little harsh, but true. The power of thought without purposeful action is meaningless. Let's say your desire is to become rich. Fine! The desire is outlined, you lie on the couch and spit at the ceiling, actively visualizing and using the power of thought. Where it leads? You may suddenly receive an inheritance from a rich uncle. What if you don't have an uncle? Then it’s a bummer - the universe will receive your request, but is unlikely to be able to fulfill it, because it is too energy-consuming. But! If, in addition to visualization, you at least buy a lottery ticket, then your chances of getting rich will increase many times over. The power of thought + action = fulfillment of desire! We achieve maximum efficiency and productivity in fulfilling our desires when we combine the power of thought and action. In fact, it will be difficult to fulfill a desire (especially some global one) with the power of thought alone. But if you also move your feet in the right direction, then everything becomes easy! The necessary doors open before us. In other words, by acting, we thereby provide the universe with convenient opportunities for the fulfillment of our desires.
  6. Energy for visualization. To achieve our desires, we must have power, which is nourished by the power of thought. We get energy mainly from proper nutrition and at least minimal physical activity. What is proper nutrition? Try to include as many fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds in your diet. It is advisable to exclude or limit supermarket synthetics. , do not allow dehydration. Move more, do gymnastics, for example, Eye of the Renaissance. Eliminate bad habits: alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. Be in nature more often, experience happiness and joy more often. All this together will give a good level of energy. There will be much more strength, including the ability to fulfill desires. Create!


The power of thought and visualization are tools that can work wonders in the right hands. Learning the power of thought to use the law of attraction to your advantage is beneficial for every person.

If you do not trust esotericism, then consider the power of thought as a feature of our brain. When we regularly think about something, it is easier for us to notice everything around us that can help us fulfill our desire.

One way or another, the power of thought works, and proper visualization works wonders. The fulfillment of desires with the power of thought is available to each of us. Love, success, healing, money - everything is subject to the power of thought. If your desire is happiness, you will be happy. If you are healthy, you will receive it, sign for it. The power of thought works flawlessly. Thank you, dear readers of SZOZH, for reading the article to the end. The article turned out to be long, it was written based on personal experience. We tried to cover the topic of wish fulfillment, visualization and the power of thought in as much detail as possible. Please write comments on this interesting topic.

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The creative power of thought is a scientifically proven fact. Our thoughts create our reality. Learn to control your thoughts and you can control your life.

What is visualization of desires and how to correctly visualize the desired reality?

Visualization is a detailed reproduction of your desire in your imagination. This technique has been practiced in the east for many centuries; recently it has become very popular in Europe, including here.

Our mind consists of consciousness and subconscious. Consciousness includes all thought processes associated with logic, analysis, all sequential actions are conscious activities.

The subconscious controls more subtle areas: intuition, spiritual practices, dreams, imagination. The subconscious is also responsible for instincts. In a sense, the subconscious is higher than consciousness, since instincts are primary in relation to knowledge. Animals do not have knowledge, but they do have intuition. In a moment of danger, a person subconsciously reacts in such a way as to save life.

In other words, consciousness is our rational “I”, the subconscious is our irrational “I”.

Correct technique for visualizing desires, video

  • Let's say you have a dream that you think is impossible. That is, you do not allow the thought that the object of your dreams may appear in your life. Accordingly, your consciousness (rational “I”) sees no reason to look for ways to achieve it, and you do not take any steps towards its implementation; your dream exists for you in another reality
  • Now let’s try to connect the subconscious (your irrational “I”) to the problem, namely, let’s turn on the imagination. It doesn’t matter to him how unattainable your dream is; imagination knows no bounds. You begin to imagine the object of your dreams in detail, in colors, imagine its smell, color, sensations from touch, your emotions from owning a dream. That is, in your imagination you create a reality in which you and your dream are united
  • The subconscious activates the search for achieving the desired path. Consciousness will no longer perceive your idea as something unattainable and unrealistic - after all, you experienced real emotions from owning your dream. Consciousness will also join in the work of making dreams come true

Video: The power of thought and its secret

As a result, the dream will move from an ephemeral substance into the category of a specific task to be solved.

How to correctly visualize the desired reality?

For beginners in this practice, it is better to choose small, specific goals for visualization. They will make it easier for you to practice your technique and follow all the rules given below. As your skills improve, goals can become more difficult.

  1. Specifically. The goal set to be achieved through visualization should be as specific as possible. If you have many desires, choose the one that is most important. If your desire is abstract (“I want to live better”), you need to specify it: what exactly do you want to improve? (“cramped apartment” = “I want to buy a new apartment”)
  2. Subject-wise. During visualization, you need to mentally very clearly and objectively imagine the reality in which your desire came true. If you imagine a car, you need to see the make of the car, model, color, seat material, feel the smell in the cabin, the sound of the signal, feel the sensations of touching the steering wheel and the brake pedal under the sole. Images should not be blurry
  3. Involved. During visualization, you need to be directly involved in what you are thinking about. Don't put yourself in the position of a spectator. For example, if you imagine a new apartment, you need to not just look at the new interiors, but see exactly how you live in it, open the door with a key, water the flowers on the balcony. If you imagine a car, imagine yourself behind the wheel - where you are driving, what you see in the window, in which parking lot you leave it
  4. Emotionally. It is imperative to fill the visual picture with vivid emotions and confidence that it is real. Faith is a necessary condition for success. Strong positive emotions carry a very large charge of energy, which speeds up your thoughts.

Affirmations and visualization. How do they work?

An affirmation is a short positive statement aimed at consolidating a certain belief in a person’s mind. That is, this is a kind of self-hypnosis.

It should not be confused with visualization, as these are different techniques.

When you visualize, you work with your imagination. Your mental images cannot always be described in words, since human language is much poorer than imagination.

However, in terms of its impact, the word is a very powerful tool. Numerous studies by scientists prove that words are capable of causing physiological reactions that change the internal nature of a living organism. Positive words literally improve ourselves and everything around us. Therefore, affirmations will serve as an excellent addition to visualization.

A few rules for writing affirmations

  1. The statement is made only in the first person, since this technique is useless when influencing other people. Correct: “I am loved and desired.” Incorrect: “My husband loves me”
  2. The statement uses only the present tense. The phrase should sound like you have already gotten what you want. Correct: “I wear Baldinini shoes.” Incorrect “I can buy Baldinini shoes”
  3. Don't use ready-made templates. You must compose the affirmation yourself, since it is your words that will influence your subconscious. The nature of speech is individual for each person
  4. Affirmations should give you a sincere charge of positivity, a surge of joyful emotions. The stronger and brighter the emotions, the better your affirmation. If the statement is made “for show,” it will have no impact
  5. When making a statement, you cannot use negative particles and words like “never”, “nothing”, “not”, “no”. Correct: “I earn 300 thousand rubles a month.” Incorrect: “I earn at least 200 thousand rubles a month”
  6. Avoid vague language. Goals must be very clearly defined. Correct: “I earn 300 thousand rubles a month”, “I have an excellent three-room apartment overlooking ....”. Incorrect: “I earn a lot of money”, “I have a new apartment in a good area”

For the best effect, affirmations must be repeated at least 2-3 times a day.

Visualization and meditation. Peace of mind for fulfillment of desires

Meditation is a type of exercise in which the consciousness reaches the required state of peace.

In our normal state, our mind is in constant turmoil. He is overloaded with information: snippets of thoughts, internal dialogue, experiences and emotions, current affairs, plans - whatever is there. It is impossible to concentrate qualitatively on a single thought in the presence of such a noise field.

But ordinary willpower cannot force thoughts to leave our heads. Meditation helps you calm down and tune into the right wave.

How to do meditation correctly

Meditation is best practiced several times a day at the same time. On average, meditation lasts 15-20 minutes, experienced practitioners meditate for an hour.

  • To begin with, you can try to allocate 5-10 minutes at the same time in the morning. Gradually, as you gain skill, you will feel how long and at what time it is best for you to meditate
  • The room should be well ventilated and without extraneous noise. You need to meditate with your eyes closed
  • The main condition for meditation is that you should be comfortable. The place where you sit, the temperature, your posture, clothes, hairstyle, jewelry - nothing should distract or bother you

  • The meditation pose can be any. The classic lotus pose is considered the most suitable, since from the point of view of the flow of energy throughout the body it is optimal. But if you cannot sit like this or experience severe discomfort, you can sit or lie down as you feel comfortable
  • During meditation, the spine should be straight from the neck to the tailbone. This is a very important condition for proper meditation. The head is slightly lowered so that along the line of the back of the head the head seems to continue the line of the back
  • For most of us, keeping our back absolutely straight for more than 30 seconds is quite difficult, so you can find external support, the main thing is to follow the principle of comfort
  • During meditation, the hands also occupy strictly defined positions (mudras) depending on the purpose of meditation. Since your meditation is not related to spiritual practices, you can fold them into the mudra of calm, as shown in the photo

  • Breathing is an important part of meditation. Two main rules: you need to breathe through your nose, and, if possible, through your stomach (that is, when you inhale, it is not the chest that expands, but the stomach). There is no need to resort to any special techniques or artificially change the breathing rate. It self-regulates as your mind calms during the session
  • We begin to calm the mind. The easiest way is to feel your breath. Feel how, when inhaling, air is drawn into the nostrils, how it tickles the skin at the tip of the nose, how the cilia move on the mucous membrane, how the air passes through the larynx further into the lungs. Then trace the exhalation in reverse order. After 5-7 breaths you will feel your head gradually brighten
  • To cope with extraneous thoughts that will definitely bother you at first, use this technique. Imagine that you are sitting on the side of the road and watching the traffic. Every thought that comes to mind is a separate machine. Here comes the car “I need to pay for school”, in this car goes “I’ll get up early tomorrow.” And so on. It is important that at the same time you remain on the sidelines and are not drawn into understanding what comes

  • At some point you will feel that you have reached a state of maximum peace. As you practice meditation, this state will become more complete. A characteristic sign of the condition is a feeling of goodness and peace that literally spreads throughout the body in waves. This is the state of mental silence, or the state of contemplation.
  • Now imagine your visualization and listen to your inner sensations. You can imagine streams of sunlight directed directly at your picture. Don’t forget that you are the main character of the visualization, you feel the warmth of the sun, your picture is three-dimensional and not static. Stay in this state for as long as is comfortable
  • Coming out of meditation should not be abrupt. There is no need to jump up immediately or move too energetically. You need to “wake up” from meditation like from a night’s sleep – gradually becoming involved in the surrounding reality. You can stretch, make several circular movements with your head, and run your palms over your face, as if washing your face. Give yourself a couple of minutes to come to your senses

Why doesn't visualization work? Errors in visualizing desires

  1. Doubts about achieving results. The principle of operation of visualization is similar to the principle of action of a “placebo”, which has been recorded by official medicine for a long time: it is not the medicine that cures, but the patient’s belief that he is curable
  2. Unclear wording in the description of the goal. The concepts of “big money”, “beautiful house”, “good job” and the like are very relative things. Such formulations will not work for your subconscious, since each person at different points in time has his own purely individual idea of ​​“big”, “beautiful”, “dear”
  3. Concentrating on unimportant things. Often people confuse the goal itself and the methods or consequences of achieving it. For example, if you visualize a sum of money, you don’t need to imagine how you will get it or what you will spend it on later. Concentrate
  4. False goals. It is important to visualize your “hard-earned” dreams, and not imposed templates. Listen carefully to yourself and your desires. If deep down you don't care about the brand of your phone, you shouldn't dream of buying an iPhone 6S just because it's fashionable. Dream what takes your breath away

Visualization of love

Everyone dreams of meeting their long-awaited soul mate and finding happiness. Below is an example of the correct visualization of love.

Video: Attracting love

Visualization for attracting money

Financial well-being is an important component of happiness. Money is a great tool for achieving important and pleasant things, helping others and simply traveling. The video discusses a very interesting technique for attracting money into your life.

Video: Raising money

Yuri Okunev School

Greetings, friends! Today we will take the first and most pleasant and simple step towards our dreams. A well-known technique - visualization - will help us with this. Its main task is to encourage you to imagine the most specific image of what you want. You will be surprised, but sometimes this is extremely difficult! Read more about what visualization of desires is and how to visualize correctly - later in the article.

The essence of the technique is to think through images that personify your desires. Then find them in the form of corresponding pictures in a magazine, on the Internet, or even draw them yourself. And work on them regularly.

Visualization of desires - examples

Let's say you dream of wealth. For one person, the image of this dream will be a pile of gold bars. For another - a scattering of “American presidents”. And for some, perhaps, the personification will be a big house or a bottle of one-piece collection wine. Or the image of a respectable man in an expensive suit, sitting in a spacious, stylish office. As a result, you need to choose an image that matches your association.

And so on for every desire. By working with these images every day using a certain method, you program yourself/the Universe (as you like) to realize your ideas.


Now let's move on to what visualization of desires is in practice - how to properly make dreams come true:

  • Think about the goal first. It must be important to you. When you think about her, your pulse quickens and your soul trembles.
  • Which image fits the purpose? Think through the details. When looking at it, you also should not remain indifferent.
  • Now find photographs, drawings, pictures that are real, positive and fully consistent with your image.
  • Next, you will need a desire visualization card - I will tell you how to make it further.

Making a map


Images that symbolize financial well-being for you. We have already talked about them.

Glory Photos that represent success. Joyful businesswoman shaking hands with foreign partners. A writer signing a contract to film a book. A chef who has earned a Michelin star.Love . Marriage A photo of your significant other (if you already have one). Or a happy photo with him. If you are yet to find love, then place images associated with it here - intertwined hands, tender hugs, couples in love, etc.

How do you see your family? Perhaps there will be pictures of happy married couples (wedding rings on their hands). With or without children - depending on what you need at the moment. Or perhaps these will be photographs of large friendly families uniting several generations at once.

Health Paste your most successful and positive photo.Children. Creation

How do you want to realize yourself? Perhaps you dream of learning how to paint or become a woodworker? Start your own blog or YouTube channel? Place the corresponding pictures in this sector.

How do you see your child? A successful athlete? A graceful ballerina? A talented architect?

Wisdom. Knowledge Successful completion of education is reflected here. Resourcefulness, intelligence, ability to make difficult decisions correctly. What are your associations? Perhaps this is a photo of a higher education diploma? Or a photo of a happy university graduate?Career Who do you want to work as? What does your dream profession look like and are you in it?Assistants. Trips

The image of someone who will help you achieve what you want. Friends, family, patron saints, guardian angel.

Photos of places where you would like to visit and live.

After you have carefully glued everything, the finished card should be placed somewhere where you will often look at it. The best option is in the bedroom, opposite the bed.

A simplified analogue of a map is a “vision board”. As for how to properly make a vision vision board, everything is even easier here. Just take a piece of whatman paper and chaotically stick all the selected pictures on it. The way your heart desires. True, experts still recommend adhering to the system described above, considering it more effective.

Working with the map

Create a favorable atmosphere in advance. You can dim the lights or even light candles. It is important to make sure that no one and nothing will interfere with you. A good accompaniment would be pleasant background music to visualize desires or sounds pleasing to the ear - the sound of the sea, birdsong, sounds of the forest, etc.

Take the map in your hands and begin to work consistently on each image.

  1. You need to imagine and believe that this specific desire has already come true. Model the situation in detail. How do you look, what are you wearing, how do you feel, who is around, what do you say and what are they saying to you? What is the weather like, what time of day? The more accurately you present everything, the better.
  2. Now feel the joy that your cherished dream has come true. You are rejoicing, full of an incredible charge of positivity, cheerful and determined for further success! Now everything will be fine!

Amazing. Repeat this every day. 30-40 minutes will be enough. Then you will get the hang of it and will cope even faster.

In the meantime, let's say goodbye. See you again and all the best!