Games for the new year for adults.  New Year's competitions and entertainment.  #6 Who am I

Games for the new year for adults. New Year's competitions and entertainment. #6 Who am I

In preparation for the most important winter holiday, we are all looking for recipes, outfits and gifts. And how about coming up with New Year's entertainment, contests and games for adults that will enliven any company and make the holiday unforgettable?

Adults are the same children, only a little matured. And often we are not at all averse to having fun from the heart, playing fun games. BUT New Year- a great occasion for fun: there is a feast, and there is enthusiasm, and there is a desire. So why not remember your childhood, especially since most games do not require special preparation. But such a holiday will be remembered for a long time!

New Year's entertainment for adults

New Year's drawing

Several people can participate in this New Year's competition. Contestants are invited to draw an animal - a symbol of the coming year. Think it's easy? No matter how! The main condition of the competition: you need to do it with your eyes closed. You can draw on paper with markers or on magnetic boards with crayons. Tips from guests such as “to the left”, “to the right” are also allowed.

Find a couple

For this entertainment, you will need paired puzzles or pictures, for example: part and whole, animals and their dwellings, animals and their cubs. The cards are distributed to the players. They don't show them to each other. At the expense of 1, the players turn over the cards, and while the host counts to 5, they look for their soul mate in the pictures. The pair that was found last is eliminated. And so on in a circle until there is only one pair of winners.


You need to make two boxes. Put notes with questions in one, with answers in the other.

Sample questions:

Have you ever taken other people's things?

- Do you like me?

- You love cats?

Sample answers:

- When the wife forces.

- Only sometimes.

- If you cook deliciously, etc.

The boxes are passed around. The first person draws the question, the second answers it. Very funny combinations often come across. Guests will laugh heartily during this interesting entertainment for the New Year. You can come up with questions and answers yourself or peep on the Internet.

Yes,No,don't know

The host thinks of a word without naming it. It would be nice if it had a winter theme. The rest have to guess. Players ask leading questions to which the facilitator can only answer “yes” or “no”, for example: “Is this item large?”, “Is this item worn?”, “Is it portable?”, “Is it dangerous?” etc. If the question is too suggestive, like "Does he bark?", then the facilitator replies, "I don't know." When the interrogation is over, he asks: "Who is ready to give an answer?"

Note: the number of questions can be limited to 7-10.

New Year's songs

The principle of the next entertainment is known to everyone: the participants are divided into two teams and take turns recalling songs on the theme of the New Year and winter. In order for the song to count, you need to sing at least four lines. The winning team is the one that remembers the most songs.


Cut out rectangular cards from cardboard. On each write a word denoting some object, animal or feeling. Shuffle and distribute to players. Each in turn, by movement and facial expressions, must depict what is written on his card, without uttering a sound. The rest guess.

Hello Dedushka Moroz

We compose a poem. The beginning is the same for everyone: "Hello, Santa Claus ...". The continuation of the guests come up with themselves. In advance, you need to prepare pencils and sheets. The funnier and longer the poem is, the better.

Wood Fairy

Girls dress boys up as forest fairies. Tinsel and any jewelry are used: beads, clip-on earrings, bracelets, hairpins. You can use clothes, accessories and even cosmetics if the male gender does not mind. Then the guys, transformed into "beautiful fairies", dance around the Christmas tree. The most charming dancer wins.


The goal of this fun Christmas game for adults is to find the "treasure" using clues. Notes are hidden throughout the apartment, on which are written places with the next clue. But the place is not written directly, but encrypted, for example, “it is very cold there, and sometimes you can find a hanging mouse there” (answer: refrigerator). Thus, along the chain, moving from one note to another, the company finds a treasure. Where the first note is located, the presenter narrates orally. The more hints, the more interesting the game.

Complication: On each note, a letter is barely noticeable with a pencil. The last clue says that the treasure can only be obtained by collecting all the notes and putting together a word from the letters written in pencil.

Note: Players are not told in advance that the notes will need to be collected. In the course of the search for each subsequent clue, the read notes are lost, thrust into pockets, hoods. It's quite funny to watch the players try to remember where they put them. The search for lost papers begins.


Material: toilet paper.

The competition is held in pairs, where one is a mummy and the other is a contestant. On command, you need to wrap the "mummy" with paper. The couple that completes the fastest wins.

Note: Buy thick toilet paper and test it beforehand as thin often breaks.

jigsaw puzzle

Material: puzzles.

Players, on a signal, collect a picture from puzzles. Whoever collects faster, he won.

Note: Puzzles of the same size with the same number of elements are selected. Couples or even teams can also participate in this New Year's competition.

Who quickly?

Material: pencil, ball of cord or knitting threads.

Whoever wraps the ball around the pencil the fastest wins.

Note: The end of the cord is pre-tied to the pencil.

Grow a Christmas tree

Material: caps from plastic bottles.

Participants are invited to lay out a vertical pyramid in the form of a Christmas tree from the covers for a certain time. Whoever gets the highest pyramid wins.

Note: The lids must be the same size. A sample is given in advance, according to which it will be clear on what principle to build a pyramid.


Material: multi-colored cardboard, paper clips, knitting threads, pencils or sticks (you can use plastic for balloons).

Fish are cut out of cardboard and small holes are made at the base of their mouths. From paper clips you need to make large rings and attach them to the fish. Further, hooks are made from other paper clips. As fishing rods, you can take pencils or ballpoint pens according to the number of players. At one end, the thread is tied to the “fishing rod”, and a hook is attached to the other end.

The fish are laid out on a blue cardboard - "lake". On command, the contestants try to pick them up with a fishing rod by the rings. Whoever catches the most will win the competition. On New Year's Eve, instead of fish, you can also "catch", for example, snowflakes or Christmas trees made of paper.

Get the tangerine

Material: shallow basins, tangerines.

Water is poured into the basins and 5 tangerines are placed in each.

Players take fruits out of the water at speed with their mouths. The one who can do it the fastest wins.

Pop the balloon

Material: balloons.

Each player is given one balloon, and on a signal they begin to inflate the balloons. Whoever bursts faster, he will win.


Material: small size women's and men's accessories, wide basket.

Two players blindfolded to the touch must get all the items from the basket and name them.

Note: What is in the basket is not shown in advance. It can be agreed that one contestant chooses only women's items, and the second - men's.

Happy New Year and good mood!


Good evening, dear friends! I am very pleased to welcome you to this wonderful holiday today. Everyone has already guessed on what occasion we have gathered, of course, to meet the most beloved Holiday - New Year.

Today I want to say
Thank you for the outgoing year!
twelve months ago
We were really looking forward to it!

And let not everything come true for us,
We believed, and this is the main thing!
And may today every guest
Believe in what you want!

The current year is coming to an end and a new one is coming. What do you think it will be like? And you know, no matter what the coming year is, I want to wish one thing: many happy days, happiness and good luck!

Let's open the doors wide
For the New Year to believe
That we are waiting for him seriously,
Who do we need………..

Father Frost:

Good evening to all guests!
I was in a hurry to get to you
Apparently I'm not late
Found you all at the table.
Happy holiday to all
I wish you happiness and joy!

Oh, Snow Maiden, look how the guys have grown up!

Snow Maiden: Yes, grandfather, you mixed everything up again, today you and I did not come to Kindergarten, and to the sauna "rest +", everyone has grown up here for a long time.

Father Frost: Oh, it’s true, but anyway, even though everyone here is an adult, I won’t just give away my gifts!

Snow Maiden: For contests today in this hall,
We will reward our friends
Good prizes!

Competition No. 1 Cool riddles:

- Without wings, but flying,
Without roots, but growing. (snow)

- not a gem, but glows (ice)

What grandfather builds a house without an axe? (freezing)

- sits on everyone, is not afraid of anyone (snow)

- In the yard - a mountain, and in the room with water (ice)

- winter on the roofs is gray, throws seeds
grows white carrots, she is under the roofs. (icicles)

Who builds bridges over rivers without logs? (freezing)

- glass is broken in the round window during the day, inserted in the evening. (hole)

- who, even without hands, can draw (frost)

- does not burn in fire, but does not sink in water (ice)

- white - a white miller sat on the clouds, white flour poured through a sieve. (snow)

Adults and children know, What is sober, at a banquet, All that remains is a festive (Christmas tree)

- A glorious New Year's holiday, You won't be happy without it, And no matter how lazy the owner is,
They will force you to buy it, Otherwise, in the new year, No one will come to visit! (vodka)

Fun Contest #2: Crackers

Props: 2 locks, keys

Participants (2 people) of the competition are given a bunch of keys and a closed padlock. It is necessary to pick up the key from the bunch as soon as possible and open the lock.

Contest #3: Fun Quiz

- In Japan, the arrival of the New Year is announced by 108 strokes of the bell, in Russia, the Kremlin chimes strike New Year's midnight, and in the UK? (London Clock Wig-Ben)
- Which city is declared the geographical homeland of the Russian Father Frost? (Great Ustyug)
- In which country does not a "brother" live, but a "sister" of the Russian Santa Claus, whose name sounds like his "shifter" - Baba Zhara? (in Cambodia)
- In which country is the local Santa Claus called Saint Nicholas, and his faithful servant is nicknamed Black Pete? (in the Netherlands)
- Elochkina homeland (forest)
- an old but not aging dance at the Christmas tree (round dance)
- Singer of songs for the Christmas tree (blizzard)
- A person running past the Christmas tree at a trot is gray in all respects. (Wolf)
- A Christmas tree decoration that causes significant damage to the household budget, not only on the day of purchase (electric garland)
- a man's anti-Christmas tool (axe)
- what quality of the New Year's queen makes her related to every real woman (desire to dress up)
Guess the proverb
- they don’t discuss the gift, they accept what they give (they don’t look a gift horse in the mouth)
- you need to study throughout your life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge is endless (live and learn)
- trouble, trouble usually happens where something is unreliable, fragile. (Where it is thin, it breaks there)
- as you yourself treat another, so they will treat you (both aukn. and response.)
- do not take on unfamiliar cases (not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water)

Competition #4: Anglers

3 persons are required.

Fish are laid out on a chair or on the floor. The task of the blindfolded player is to attach as many fish as possible to the bait. Before starting fishing, scroll the player around him several times.

Contest #5: Rope

Need 2 players.

Two chairs are placed with their backs to each other. There is a rope under the chairs. Players sitting on chairs must, at the command of the leader, grab the end of the rope as quickly as possible and pull it towards them. Whoever wins first.

Contest #6: Get the candy

2 players are invited.

This is a funny and funny contest! Sour cream is poured into the plate, candy is thrown into the plate. The player must, without the help of hands, get a candy from a plate.

Super Cool Contest #7: Take Out the Trash

2 players are called.

It is necessary to put things in order, shove the crumpled newspapers into champagne bottles, who is faster.

Fun Contest #8: Feed Your Neighbor

2 players are invited.

Props: 2 bananas

One holds a peeled banana in his teeth, the other must eat it. The hands are not involved.

Contest #9: Ball

Need 4 players.

Whoever inflates the largest balloon and it does not burst, he won.

Competition #10: In position

2 players participate.

2 players are invited with adhesive tape attached to large inflatable balls at the level of the abdomen. Half a box of matches is scattered in front of each player. The task is to collect as many matches from the floor as possible during the allotted time, not forgetting about your stomach. The process looks great!

Fun Contest #11: Drinkers

Call 4 players.

Each is given 1 bottle of beer and a glass. The task is to open the bottles as quickly as possible and, pouring beer into a glass, drink it. Whoever is faster wins.

Competition No. 12: Box

All participants write on pieces of paper what they think is in the box. The answers are then read.

Contests are over.

Father Frost:

Friends Dear
The old year is leaving
I want to say
Many good words
wish you happiness
To make life easy for you
Next year
So that you forget Woe and trouble!
Happy new year friends! With new happiness!

Snow Maiden:

The clock is ticking.
The old year is leaving
His last pages rustle
What was good, let it not go away
And what is not good - will not happen again
Happy New Year!

November 21, 2016

Starting with the first snowflakes slowly circling in the frosty air, we begin to wait for HIM! The most wonderful, most fabulous, incredible and fun holiday is the New Year!

There is no longer a single holiday, three months before which, friends would ask: “Well, what do you think about the New Year?”. Yes, this is exactly the day when the aliens are in a panic from an unknown signal from the Earth - “The new year is rushing towards us, soon everything will happen ..”, and the whole planet glows with bright lights and fireworks! It is from December 31 to January 1 at 23:59 that we all stand with glasses of bubble champagne in our hands and are happy to meet the new year and new emotions that will burst into our lives, and this, by the way, is an excellent reason to throw an unrealistically cool party !

It is impossible to imagine any party without the company of beloved friends. With them, at least International Pancake Day, at least celebrate Bastille Day - always fun and interesting! In order not to interrupt this wonderful tradition, you should thoroughly prepare for organizing the main party of the year!

An important part of the 2017 meeting is the entertainment program: games and competitions for the New Year for adults. They make you get to know each other better, make the team closer, and the evening more interesting, if you know what I mean 😉

website I am sure that almost all adults will take part in pranks with great pleasure, dance in a round dance, make a cool toast and compete in exciting contests! They can be different: playful, smart, dexterous and, of course, with erotic overtones. It all depends on the degree of looseness of the party guests.

We offer 12 fun games and contests to celebrate the New Year, which will make the party fun and memorable.

1. So it's about me!

Small paper bags are taken in which you can put souvenirs, sweets or any small items (batteries, condoms, a glass ...). Nominations are written on the packages:
- the longest-haired;
- the one who kissed the girl before everyone else;
- the one that kissed the guy before everyone else;
- the owner of underwear with the largest number of colors and shades;
- the strongest armwrestler;
- the lady with the highest heel;
- the most thrifty smoker (the one or the one who has the most cigarettes with him);
- the coolest rapper (the fastest to read poetry);
- the bluest eyes of 2017;
- the loudest laughter of 2017;
- the craziest act of 2016;
- the most unlucky (the one who did not get any of the holiday packages).

You can come up with your own nominations - the most suitable for your friends and family.

Ready-made packages with contents need to be hung on a Christmas tree. This can be done before the guests arrive, but then they will be discovered too early, most likely even before everyone has gathered. Therefore, it is best to do this right after midnight, when everyone goes to look at the balcony or outside to watch the New Year's fireworks. At this point, hang the packages on the tree. Why not Original gifts for all those present.

The guests returning from the fireworks will notice the new Christmas tree decorations and start the competition…

2. What do you remember about the outgoing year?

Buy whatman paper in size A1 or A0. At the top, write in large letters “What do you remember about 2016”. To make the inscription look even and beautiful, print it on a printer using the New Year's font you like. You can stick photos of guests on whatman paper (for couples - use joint pictures). There should be space between photographs for drawings. It is even better if you order such a poster in a printing house.

Hang the poster on the wall or closet. Let everyone draw next to his photo the best event for him of the outgoing year. Someone will depict a palm tree, symbolizing a vacation in warm countries, someone will have a new car, and for someone it will be a child with a briefcase walking confidently to school for the first time.

You can make such collections of positive memories a tradition of your friendly company.

3. Coolest of all

We choose the main characters of the evening - Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Those who wish to change into costumes, take thematic attributes: a beard, mittens, a staff, a bag with gifts, and introduce themselves to the public in turn. The most cheerful, charismatic and irresistible guy or girl will become Santa Claus. The choice is made by applause voting. Not only girls, but also brave guys can take part in the casting for the role of the Snow Maiden! A little powder, red lipstick and a wig with pigtails will turn a serious top manager into a sweet granddaughter of Santa Claus. A short fashion show in a skirt will determine who will become the queen of the party, even if she is with bristles.

4. Alphabet

Further, to warm up the guests of the party, it will be correct to hold a competition for the best toast in alphabetical order. The bottom line is this - everyone in turn says a toast with wishes, but not just like that, but it should begin with a specific letter. For example, the first with “A” - “The sweetest orange, the tastiest tangerine, good Santa Claus will bring you as a gift”, then to “B” - “Great hopes, beautiful dreams, rays of goodness, and a cute beaver! Happy New Year!”, “B” - “Santa Claus comes to the house, he brought us gifts: a soft bear, a delicious cake, a telephone and a moon rover, pasta, an orange, soap, a gingerbread and a dolphin.”

In such a cheerful manner, everyone makes their toasts, the author of the most original rhyme receives a prize.

An easier option - a wish consists of one or two words per dropped letter. For example: wish a active rest, b wealth, in ezania, G lamura, d money…

Especially lucky for those who get the letters Y, Y, b, b 🙂

5. Hello, sleepwalkers

Such a competition is best held when all the guests are already in a cheerful mood. One participant is seated on a chair, and now he plays the role of the main lunar base, others will depict moon rovers and asteroids flying by. To do this, you need to crawl on all fours around the room, saying: “Reception, Lunokhod-1 is calling the base”, “Lunokhod-2, we need refueling at the lunar base, the battery has run out.”

An asteroid periodically flies between spaceships at speed, and with the words “Banzai” tries to get into the lunar rover. There is only one rule in this game - do not laugh! At all! The one who gets a laugh in his mouth crawls to the base to receive a task.

It might look like this:

  • remove two layers of skin from your lunokhod;
  • pour 200 ml of fuel into Lunokhod 1;
  • solder 3 new skin parts on Lunokhod-2;
  • dock with Lunokhod-3;
  • explore the environment in reverse mode, etc.

Whoever never laughs wins. Great mood guaranteed for everyone!

6. New Year's sculptor

Props for two sculptures:
— round balloons of various colors, 100 pieces;
- balloons round with a pattern of a face (smiley), 2-4 pieces;
- balloons for modeling (those from which clowns make dogs), pieces 50;
- double-sided tape, 2 pieces;
- threads, 2 spools;
- multi-colored markers.

We divide into two teams and start creating a festive sculpture. The choice of image is at the discretion of the organizer: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, rooster (symbol of 2017), monkey (symbol of 2016), snowman or any other interesting character.

7. Pass it on

The good old match game will help the audience get to know each other better and loosen up a little. All guests stand in a circle, alternating - a guy, a girl. The match is cleaned of sulfur, the first participant takes it with his lips and passes it to the next. After the first round, the match is cut off by a few mm, and it goes to a new circle. The game ends when the participants have nothing to transfer, well, or at will.

8. News

Participants receive leaflets on which five words are written. According to them, in five minutes they must compose interesting news. Words from the card can be turned into any part of speech, for example:

  • England, Chinese, axe, genetics, Malvina (English geneticists crossed the Chinese with an axe. But he refused to chop wood, but he cut out a wooden Malvina for Pinocchio - let the kid have fun until the knot is dry);
  • Tula, flashlight, minibus, roofing material, camel;
  • Zimbabwe, pan, sun, skis, toothbrush;
  • Antarctica, soap, ostrich, bicycle, ear.

9. Associations

One person whispers a certain word into the ear of the next person, he passes a synonym or a word close in meaning to this word to his neighbor, and so on until the end. The last participant says the word aloud, and it is compared with the first, often at the end completely unrelated words are found, such as sea and olivier.

10. Slow motion

Everyone can take part in this game. In turn, each participant is given a task, which he must depict in slow motion:

  • capture of Sparta;
  • tearful declaration of love;
  • fight with the invisible;
  • escape from the tiger;
  • pitching a tent;
  • surfing, etc.

Whoever completes the task most creatively will receive a prize.

11. Alligator

Everyone likes the game of all times and peoples "Crocodile", regardless of age, preferences and other factors. But this is a festive crocodile, so let's call it "Alligator" today. The essence of this does not change: to show a phenomenon or object, without the help of words or sounds. Since the topic is known, it will be necessary to show tangerines, deer, Christmas decorations, firecrackers, garlands, etc.

12. Whose Santa Claus?

For some reason, everyone believes that Santa Claus comes from Lapland. The poor fellow annually in one night flies around all the children on the planet, delivers gifts to all the obedient, and magic pendals to the naughty. But is it?
Guess where each of these Santa Clauses comes from, and what he does in life:


  1. Originally from the Netherlands
  2. Lives in Smolensk
  3. The students of the 5th school No. 10 ask him for good grades


  1. Special Santa Claus for the very naughty
  2. Santa Claus from Germany
  3. Performs new year wishes landsknechts


  1. Canoeing through the canals of Panama
  2. Lives in Hawaii
  3. Part-time Santa Claus, got all the Santa Clauses with stupid questions, and often hears “Kana Kalok from here” in his address.

Pasquale's dad?

  1. Santa Claus of the Colombian drug mafia
  2. Is the "don" of the Italian Santa Clauses
  3. Initially, he was the brother of Carlo Pasolini, but, unable to withstand the glory of the latter, he retrained as Santa Claus

Fairy Befana?

  1. Ded Moroz transvestites
  2. Symbolizes the New Year in Italy
  3. Fairy - Santa Claus in the tribes of the Amazon

Popeye Noel?

  1. The oldest Santa Claus, brought New Year's gifts to the camp of Khan Mamai's nomads, for this he received the respectful nickname "Papay"
  2. He began his career in England, then changed the climate and moved to one of the French colonies. The natives called him "Yohar papaya" (because he always brought not the gifts that he ordered), but the French colonialists "Noel" (that is, you went with your ale
  3. Papay Noel from Brazil, where there are many wild monkeys in the forest

And here are the correct answers: Sanderklass (1), Weichnachtsmann (2), Kanakaloka (2), Papa Pasquale (1), Fairy Befanu (2), Popeye Noel (3).

Arrange a quest

Come up with your own unique quest adventure for friends. See an example.

If there is not enough time, order a ready-made one. All you have to do is print and lay out the clues in the caches. Preparation will take no more than an hour. Or a table quest for the New Year - you don’t need to hide anything at all, but spend 10 minutes preparing. The link to the quests is below.

A child lives in each of us, and we all expect something unusual, magical and wonderful from the New Year celebration. Everyone can arrange a cool holiday for themselves and their friends, and we hope our selection of New Year's contests will become a real lifesaver for you at the festive table on New Year's Eve 2017.

Have a nice holiday and a happy new year, friends!

Have you already started preparing contests for the new year 2020? Yesterday I decided to look for various games and contests for the new year, and I found many interesting ones that will help us enter the Year of the Rat with fun and joy.

How to prepare for competitions and games: fun and interesting competitions for the new year will help save even traditional New Year's family gatherings in the company with a TV, not to mention a party for a fun company. However, it is best to prepare a little.

  1. Make a plan for games and competitions. A company of adults will need to eat, raise glasses for the new year, and dance, so the game program should be carefully woven into the natural course of the party.
  2. Prepare props. Having decided what you will play for the new year at home, make a list of what you will need for a particular competition. It is best to arrange the props and prizes into thematic contests (I use small gift bags for this).
  3. Stock up on prizes. People are very fond of receiving small funny prizes - sweets, chocolates, cute New Year's toys. It is better to take prizes with a margin.
  4. Supporting materials are best done on cards - if you need to stock up on some phrases, scripts and texts, then write or print them in advance on ordinary cards, this is much more convenient than using one large script.
  5. Pick up music, identify your assistants, prepare a place for games.

Collection of contests and games


The simplest New Year's games and all sorts of contests are those where guests do not need to do anything - for example, they can be invited to burst balloons, inside of which there will be wishes.

It is necessary to prepare in advance a large bunch of balloons (their number should be more than the number of guests, just in case), inside which notes with wishes are inserted. For example, you can give a guest scissors and offer to cut off the balloon they like, and then read aloud to all the guests - such a simple but cute entertainment helps the company to have fun and unite.


New Year's games and competitions built on the "question and answer" model always gather a lot of applause. It is not surprising - everyone loves to laugh, but there are no difficulties.

So, the facilitator distributes small pieces of paper and pens to the guests, and offers to write down their favorite number (or any other number that comes to mind). If desired, you can write down some sequence, and play a few circles. When all the guests have completed the task, the host says that now all those present will be able to learn more about each other - he will ask questions, and the guests will answer them, raising a piece of paper with written numbers and loudly announcing the answer.

It is best to choose simple questions - how old is this or that guest, how many times a day he eats, how much he weighs, how many times he stayed for the second year, and so on.

"Not a Word of Truth"

My favorite amusements are funny contests for the new year. Of course, for a company of pensioners, you will need to pick up something more decent, but you can always have fun in your circle - for example, by playing the game "Not a word of truth."

The host will need to prepare in advance a lot of New Year's questions such as:

  • What tree is traditionally dressed up for the holiday?
  • what movie in our country symbolizes the new year?
  • What is customary to launch into the sky on New Year's Eve?
  • who is molded from snow in winter?
  • who on TV addresses the Russians with a New Year's speech?
  • the outgoing year is the year of whom according to the Chinese calendar?

It is better to write down more questions, you can ask about the New Year traditions of different countries, or the habits of guests. During the game, the host will have to quickly and cheerfully ask his questions, and the guests will answer without telling a word of the truth.

The one who makes mistakes and answers truthfully, according to the results of the game, can read poetry, sing a song or fulfill various desires - you can use desires to play forfeits, for example, the loser needs to put a few tangerine slices on both cheeks, and say something like “I’m a hamster and I eat grain, don’t touch it - it’s mine, and whoever takes it is the end!”. Explosions of laughter are provided - both during the game and during the "punishment" of the losing participant.

"Accurate shooter"

As an entertainment for the new year 2020, you can play snipers. It is most fun to play this game when the participants are already a little tipsy - and coordination becomes more free, and there is less constraint, and it is already a little more difficult to hit the target.

The essence of the game is as follows - the guests are divided into two teams, and in turn, each player throws "snowballs" into the bucket. A bucket from the players is set at a distance of five to seven meters, as "snowballs" you can use cotton balls, crumpled paper, or just take a couple of sets of simple plastic Christmas balls that are sold in any supermarket.

I decided to improve this game for a 2020 new year party for adults and use children's basketball hoops as a "target" - hitting them with a soft ball of cotton is even more difficult than hitting a bucket.

"New Year decoration"

Of course, New Year's competitions for adults can be less sporty.

All those present must be divided into teams of 5-6 people (depending on the number of guests at your party). The teams are tasked with building a New Year's ball. For manufacturing, you can use only toilet items, accessories and decorations that are on the team members. The team that makes the brightest and most beautiful ball wins.

By the way, a little hack- in every company there are people who do not actively participate in competitions and just try to sit out, which is why quite a lot of time is spent on persuasion. So, appoint them to the jury - you can make them score cards in advance, offer them to make a short speech into an impromptu microphone. So they will simultaneously be involved in the general fun, and at the same time they will not have to be persuaded and pulled out from the table.

And of course, the sight of her own mother, who speaks heartfeltly into a glass of champagne instead of a microphone about how grateful she is to Mikhalkov and the film academy for the opportunity to see the battle on the ice in her own living room is priceless. :))

"Come, forest deer"

By the way, if you are choosing competitions for a corporate party for the New Year or for a party that will not take place in a city apartment, then be sure to play Santa with his deer. Here you do not need to divide the guests into teams, just invite them to break into pairs.

Each pair has a "reindeer" and "Santa" (you can give one improvised antlers, and the other Santa hats - both are sold for mere pennies in a fixed price store before the new year).

The "deer" needs to be blindfolded and make a harness - do not be wiser, a simple linen rope or lace that wraps around the belt will come off. The reins are given to Santa, who stands behind his "deer". A route is built from the skittles, the leader gives a signal and the competition begins. The winners are those participants who came to the finish line earlier than others and did not knock down the pins. Instead of pins, you can use empty bottles, cardboard cups for drinks or paper cones (we made them in the form of Christmas trees, it was very cute).

"Collective letter"

When it comes to New Year's games at the table, I always remember how my parents and friends wrote a collective New Year's greeting for everyone present every new year. You can use a ready-made text (as in the image), you can compose your own - the main thing is that it should not contain adjectives - guests should call them.

The host invites the guests to congratulate each other and say a big and beautiful toast - and waves a postcard on which he has already written down the congratulation. Only now he did not have enough adjectives, and the guests should suggest them. Everyone randomly offers adjectives related to winter, new year and holiday, and the host writes them down and then reads out the result - the text is very funny!

"Turnip: New Year's Version"

Love New Year's contests for the whole family - then a turnip is what you need!

So, you need to prepare the participants - they need the number of characters in the fairy tale. Each participant gets a role in an impromptu performance. It's simple, the participant needs to remember the key phrase and the movement that he must act out when mentioning himself.

  1. The turnip will slap its knees and then clap its hands with the exclamation "Oba-na!".
  2. Grandfather rubs his palms and groans “Ta-ak-s!”.
  3. Grandmother swings her fist at grandfather and says “I would have beaten it!”.
  4. Dancing granddaughter sings "I'm ready!" in a high voice (when men play this role, it turns out just great).
  5. The bug itches and complains of fleas.
  6. The cat wags its “tail” and tentatively draws out “And I am on my own.”
  7. The mouse sadly shrugs its shoulders and says "We've finished the game!".

After everyone has tried themselves in a new role, the host reads the text of the fairy tale (no changes here), and the actors play their role whenever they hear about themselves. The grandfather planted (rubs his hands and groans) a turnip (clap-clap, both-on!) And further in the text. Believe me, there will be enough bursts of laughter, especially when the fairy tale comes to an end, and the host will list all the participants in turn.

"Strictly alphabetical"

In one of the pauses, the host takes the floor and reminds everyone present that the New Year celebration is just beginning, but it’s already difficult to remember the alphabet. In this connection, the presenter suggests filling the glasses and raising them, but strictly in alphabetical order.

Each guest must say a short toast to his own letter of the alphabet. The first one starts with the letter a, the second must start with the letter b, and so on. Toasts should be simple:

  1. BUT Absolutely must drink to happiness in the new year!
  2. B let's be healthy in the new year!
  3. AT let's drink to the old year!
  4. E If we don't get drunk, we'll have to eat!

The task for all those present is to make toasts for each letter of the alphabet, and then choose the winner - the one who came up with the best toast, which is worth drinking for!


If you want to pick up outdoor games for the new year 2020, play bunny. It is best to play this game at home on New Year's Eve when there are many guests - it is suitable for a group of friends.

Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands, the leader goes around all the players in a circle and whispers to each the names of two animals - a wolf and a bunny, a fox and a bunny, and so on. Then he explains the essence of the game - when the leader pronounces the name of the animal aloud, the person to whom it was made up crouches, and his neighbors on the left and right, on the contrary, pull him up, not allowing him to sit down. You need to play at a good pace so that the participants enter the rage.

The main joke of this action is that absolutely all players have a second animal - a bunny. Therefore, after people alternately crouched on the names of other animals, the host says “Bunny!”, And the whole circle abruptly tries to crouch (trying to overcome the possible resistance of the neighbors, as was the case with other animals).

Naturally, general laughter begins, and a bunch of small ones gather on the floor!

"News from the New Year"

A great contest that you can play without leaving the table.

The facilitator will need to prepare cards on which unrelated words and concepts will be written - five or six words are no longer needed. Each participant receives a card and must quickly come up with a hot news from the New Year's issue, using all the words from the card. What to write on the cards? Any set of words.

  • China, dumplings, roses, Olympics, lilac.
  • Santa Claus, wheel, eraser, north, bag.
  • New Year, fan, pantyhose, pan, scabies.
  • Santa Claus, rat, herring, stapler, barrier.
  • Nettle, tinsel, Kirkorov, fishing rod, plane.
  • Football, shovel, snow, Snow Maiden, tangerines.
  • Snowman, beard, tights, bike, school.
  • Winter, zoo, laundry, boa constrictor, rug.

How to make news? Set an example for guests to use all the words, and the weirder the news gets, the more interesting it is.

Well, for example, from the last example I gave, you can build something like this: “A rug was found in a boa constrictor in a Moscow zoo during winter washing.” There will be a reason to be surprised, and to laugh, and to drink so that all the news in the new 2020 will be just as positive.

"Jumping into the New Year"

We in the family circle often arrange jumping as entertainment for the new year, and 2020 will not be an exception, I'm sure it's already a kind of tradition.

So, how it happens: after drinking for the outgoing year, the presenter brings felt-tip pens and pencils (the brighter, the better) and a large sheet of paper (paper paper A0-A1) and invites everyone present not just to enter the new year, but to jump in - so that it passes dynamically, energetically and brightly!

And so that all desires come true, you need to draw them. On a large sheet, everyone draws their desires - someone manages to draw a few miniatures, someone just draws what they want schematically. By the president's speech, the drawing is usually already finished or the finishing touches remain. After the president's speech, the host invites everyone to join hands, count the chimes in chorus, and solemnly jump into the new year and into the fulfillment of their own desires!

By the way, my mother and I usually save the sheet, and next year we check who has what came true - also a topic for a table conversation, by the way.

"The best"

There are good New Year's entertainments without a host. Good way keep guests entertained by giving them unique tasks, but few people want to compete just like that, right?

Therefore, we act as follows - we hang sweets or small gifts on the Christmas tree. It is best to opt for figured chocolate or other sweet Christmas decorations. We provide each with a note to whom the gift is intended, but we do not write names, but some definitions that guests will have to think about and get to know each other better (ideal when there are newcomers who need to join an existing company).

What to write on labels:

  1. The owner of the most brown eyes.
  2. The best high jumper.
  3. The biggest hooligan (here you have to tell everyone about your hooliganism in childhood).
  4. The owner of the best tan.
  5. The owner of the highest heels.
  6. The owner of the most dangerous job.
  7. A couple whose sum of clothing buttons is 10.
  8. The one who wears more yellow today.

I think you get the main message. Guests will independently begin to find out who rested where, who has a brighter tan, measure the length of heels and discuss work.

"Hat song"

By the way, almost all New Year's competitions at the table involve a game with a hat - they throw some notes into the hat in advance, and then they pull out and carry out the tasks of relatives or colleagues.

In the new year 2020, we will play a popular variation of this game with songs with our family. You need to write notes with winter and New Year's words into the hat, each guest blindly takes out a note from the hat and sings a song in which this word occurs.

By the way, you will also be able to have fun if during the feast you forget all the songs - most likely, your family, like my relatives, will have a great idea to compose a little song on the go to the most popular motive, or somehow remake one from famous New Year's songs of the past years.

By the way, this game is also suitable for a small company of any age - of course, a schoolboy is unlikely to recognize Soviet songs, but the result will be funny, and different age groups will be able to get closer during the game - after all, cool New Year contests unite!


Naturally, New Year's contests for young people are not complete without flirting - why not help friends get closer?

So, the girls are put on dressing gowns or shirts, and the guys are given thick winter mittens. The essence of the competition is to fasten the shirts on the girls as quickly as possible so that they do not freeze!

By the way, my friends, who love various New Year's contests for teenagers and youth, wanted to do this contest the other way around - freeing the girls from their shirts, however, they were forced to disqualify the participant - it turns out that even in mittens it is convenient to pull the shirt hem and tear off all the buttons at once. Therefore, it is better to fasten it, it is not easy to do it in mittens.

"Let's draw Santa Claus"

Creative New Year contests for corporate parties are a great opportunity to have fun.

So, holes for hands are made in a dense sheet of cardboard. We give out brushes to the players, they must stick their hands into the holes and portray Santa Claus. At this moment they cannot see what they are drawing.

At work, you can divide the team into male and female teams, and give the task to one to portray the Snow Maiden, and the other to portray Grandfather Frost. The winner is the team whose result is most similar to a fairy-tale character.

By the way, if you are choosing contests for a New Year's corporate party, do not forget to look for fun music as well - I use cuttings from Soviet children's cartoons for New Year's contests 2020, this usually causes the warmest emotions.

"Giving Roles"

To begin funny contests for the new year for the family it is possible with such entertainment.

Prepare more attributes of fairy-tale New Year's characters, put notes with roles in empty capsules from kinders (you can just wrap them in wrapping paper in the manner of sweets) and start the games at the table for the new year with an offer to find out who still rules the ball.

Everyone present should draw out their role. It can be snowflakes, bunnies, squirrels, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, the Snow Queen, an overseas guest - Santa Claus and his deer. Hand out small attributes to all guests that will fit their role that night - for example, snow queen a crown will do, Santa Claus can loudly knock with an elegant staff, and a company of overgrown bunny boys with white ears will decorate any New Year's photo.

Believe me, New Year's table games will take on a new color as soon as grandmother Zima or Mikhailo Potapych, who has specially woken up for competitions for the new year 2020 and New Year's dances, starts to say a toast.

"Photo tests"

What cool contests for the new year without photos?

Make a photo area and collect some props in this corner - guests will be able to take pictures in different images, and then you can arrange photo tests. So, you will need to determine who is suitable for the role:

  • the most decrepit snowflake;
  • the most sleepy guest;
  • the most cheerful Baba Yaga;
  • the hungriest Santa Claus;
  • the most generous Santa Claus;
  • the kindest Santa Claus;
  • the most beautiful Snow Maiden;
  • the most gorged guest;
  • the most cheerful guest;
  • the most cunning Baba Yaga;
  • the most evil Kashchei;
  • the most powerful hero;
  • the most capricious princess;
  • the largest snowflake;
  • and so on…

By the way, you can hold this competition a little differently - stock up on props, and invite guests to pull out the role in which they will be photographed without looking, and the rest of the participants should help with advice and deed to better embody the image. You can laugh in the process, and when you view the pictures - good, you can do this in just a few minutes.

"Little Things from Santa Claus"

Tell the guests such a legend as Santa Claus walked through the forest with gifts, fell into a snowdrift with one foot and spilled gifts from a bag. The big ones stayed in the bag, but the little ones fell out. And you picked them up and now give them to all the guests.

Wrap all sorts of pleasant little things that you bought in advance in an opaque package, or, or you can wrap gifts in small pieces of cloth, like miniature bags tied with a thick thread or ribbon.

As pleasant little things can be: calendars, candles, key chains, pens, flashlights, kinders, liquid soap, magnets.

Every time it surprises with what trepidation the guests are waiting for these gifts ... Not only children, but even adults 🙂

Well, and finally, be a good magician and fortune teller, another New Year's entertainment from the site:

Now you know how my holiday will go, and what games will you have for a New Year's corporate party or home party? Share your ideas, because it is better to prepare table games for the new year and interesting contests in advance, and 2021 is just around the corner!

The host will read New Year's questions for each guest, and the guests will answer, the more interesting, the better. Questions can be of the following nature: For the New Year, he is in a hurry, in needles and pricks, he starts on “Yo”, dances and sings, calls everyone with him (not a Christmas tree, but a dancing cheerful hedgehog); It starts with “Sh”, open it, pour it - it adds charm and shine (not champagne, but shampoo - it makes hair beautiful and shiny); It flashes with bright lights and even on a holiday with us (not a garland, but a traffic cop on a holiday on the road); With a beard and in a red coat, he smiles sweetly at everyone, tries in his own way (not Santa Claus, but a bum in a red coat that he found); Green, a mandatory attribute of the New Year (not a Christmas tree, but green peas for Olivier) and so on.


Each of the guests on his leaf writes any 5 words that come to his mind. When everyone has written their words and put down their pens, the presenter explains the rules: using the written words as a basis, you need to make a horoscope for the coming year for your neighbor (the first guest for the second, the second for the third, and so on, the last for the first). So everyone will know what awaits him in the new year and everyone will laugh heartily.

Santa Claus is not everywhere Santa Claus

For this competition, the presenter must find out (the easiest way is the Internet) how Santa Claus is called in different parts of the world, for example, Yollupukki (Finland), Tovlis babua (Georgia), Pere Noel (France), Kahand Pap (Armenia) and so on . In turn, the host of the holiday calls Santa Claus from different countries, and the guests guess in which country the New Year's wizard is called that. Whoever gives the most correct answers will win a prize.

New Year's toast

Guests are given cards with various abbreviations. TASS, housing and communal services, Ministry of Internal Affairs, OKA, traffic police, Air Force, etc. The task of the contestant is to prepare a short toast, the words of which will begin with these letters. The one who is toasting drinks to the bottom, the rest - in support of the best toast.

What's in the box

For this competition, you need to prepare several interesting things that will be placed in a box in turn. In another room, they put the thing in a box and take it out to the guests. With the help of their questions, the guests must guess what is in the box. You can ask about color, shape, quantity, for example, Is this a green object? Is it a round object? Is it used in the kitchen? And so on. Whoever guesses what is in the box first will win a prize.

Remembering the alphabet

Starting with the first person at the table and going clockwise, everyone stands and wishes three items in alphabetical order (except b, b and s). For example, the first person wishes three words with the letters "a", "b" and " c", the second - "g", "d", "e" and so on until the end of the entire alphabet. It will be interesting to see how people get out who get very interesting letters, for example, “e” or “e”.

Let's write a song together

Take a large piece of paper and a pen. The first guest writes one sentence (anything that is on his mind) and tucks the leaf so that the sentence is not visible, then the second guest writes his sentence, and so on in a circle. When everyone has written their thoughts, they choose a group of people who want to play the role of a festive choir. They are given an unfolded leaflet with a compiled story, which will need to be sung to the tune of a New Year's song, for example, "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." It will be fun, funny, unexpected and interesting.

tangerine tree

Everyone at the table is given a tangerine. At the “start” command, each of the guests must begin to clean the tangerine, and then lay out the most beautiful Christmas tree. Who will cope faster - he won.

Orb of fate

For this competition, the host should try in advance, that is, prepare some predictions and good wishes, put them in a balloon and inflate it. There should be as many such balls with predictions as there are guests. Just in case, you can make a couple of extra ones, unexpected guests will suddenly appear. Having put on a cap and a mantle, the host promises everyone to predict the fate of the coming year and distributes the balls chosen by the guests in turn. Well, let the last guest not be offended, he will get the ball without his choice. Having received their balloons, each guest must burst his balloon. Then, one by one, everyone gets up and says “In the new year, waiting for me ...” and then continue with the written line from the prediction. Predictions and wishes in balloons should be interesting and kind. For example, in the new year you will have a new car; in the new year you will win a million dollars in the lottery; in the new year you will open your own business and so on.

In mittens? Yes Easy!

For this contest, you need to prepare the same stacks of banknotes in advance (print on a printer or cut out from colored paper). Each participant puts on gloves, and even better mittens, receives his own stack of money. On the “start” command, all participants start counting money (to make it easier to count all bills should be of the same denomination, for example, 100 rubles).