Preeclampsia during pregnancy: self-medication is life-threatening!  Preeclampsia in pregnant women It manifests itself in three main signs

Preeclampsia during pregnancy: self-medication is life-threatening! Preeclampsia in pregnant women It manifests itself in three main signs

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What is gestosis during pregnancy?

Preeclampsia or toxicosis is a disease that occurs in women, characterized by dysfunction of organs and systems due to developing pregnancy.

Preeclampsia is a consequence of a disruption in the process of adaptation of the mother's body to developing pregnancy. Preeclampsia is fraught with complications for both the mother and the fetus.

Preeclampsia develops only during pregnancy and disappears after childbirth or termination of pregnancy. Rarely, gestosis causes pathology that remains after the end of pregnancy.

Preeclampsia is a fairly common pathology during pregnancy; it develops in 25-30% of expectant mothers. This terrible disease has been the cause of maternal mortality for many years (ranks 2nd among the causes of death of pregnant women in Russia).

Preeclampsia leads to dysfunction of vital organs, especially the vascular system and blood flow.

If gestosis develops in a practically healthy woman, in the absence of diseases, it is called pure gestosis. Preeclampsia, which develops against the background of chronic diseases in a woman (kidney disease, liver disease, hypertension, lipid metabolism disorder or endocrine pathology), is called combined preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia can begin both in the first and second half of pregnancy, but most often develops in the third trimester, from 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Causes of gestosis during pregnancy

The causes of gestosis have not been fully studied and clarified. Scientists offer more than 30 different theories to explain the causes and mechanism of development of preeclampsia.

Predisposing factors for the development of gestosis may be: insufficiency of adaptive reactions of neuroendocrine regulation; pathology of the cardiovascular system; endocrine diseases; kidney diseases; diseases of the liver and biliary tract; obesity; frequent stressful situations; intoxication (drinking alcohol, drugs, smoking); immunological and allergic reactions.

TO risk group The development of gestosis during pregnancy includes:

  • women with overwork, chronic stress (this indicates poor adaptive ability nervous system);
  • pregnant women under 18 and over 35 years of age;
  • pregnant women who suffered gestosis during a previous pregnancy;
  • women with a hereditary predisposition to gestosis;
  • women who gave birth often with short intervals between births or often had abortions;
  • pregnant women with chronic infections or intoxications;
  • socially vulnerable women (poor nutrition in pregnant women, poor environmental conditions);
  • women with genital infantilism (delayed sexual development or underdevelopment of the genital organs and their functions);
  • women with their first pregnancy;
  • women with multiple pregnancies;
  • women with bad habits.
Most current versions, explaining the reasons for the development of gestosis:
1. The cortico-visceral theory explains the development of gestosis by disturbances in the nervous regulation between the cerebral cortex and the subcortex as a result of the adaptation of the mother’s body to the developing pregnancy. As a result of these disorders, a malfunction occurs in the circulatory system.
2. The endocrine (hormonal) theory considers dysfunction of the endocrine system to be the root cause of gestosis. But some scientists believe that these endocrine disorders occur already with gestosis, i.e. are secondary.
According to this theory, some researchers call the cause of gestosis a dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, others - a violation of the production of estrogen hormones (produced by the ovaries), and still others see the cause of gestosis in insufficient hormonal activity of the placenta.
3. Proponents of the placental theory point to changes in blood vessels in the uterus and placenta, their tendency to spasms and subsequent disruption of blood flow, leading to hypoxia. The placenta forms along with the fetus. Until 16 weeks, it is not sufficiently developed and does not protect the woman from products formed during the metabolism of the fetus. These substances enter the bloodstream and cause intoxication in a woman, which can manifest itself in the form of vomiting, nausea, and odor intolerance. After 16 weeks of pregnancy, when the placenta is already sufficiently developed, these phenomena disappear.
4. The immunogenetic theory seems to be the most likely. According to this theory, gestosis develops as a result of an inadequate immune response of the mother's body to antigens (foreign proteins) of the fetus: the mother's body tries to reject the fetus. According to another immunocompetent theory, the mother’s body, on the contrary, does not produce enough antibodies in response to placental antigens constantly entering the bloodstream. As a result, these inferior complexes circulate in the blood, which cause circulatory disorders, especially in the kidneys, characteristic of gestosis.
5. A genetic predisposition to gestosis is confirmed by the fact that the risk of developing gestosis is higher in those women whose other women in the family (mother, sister, grandmother) suffered from gestosis.

The risk of developing preeclampsia is 8 times higher in women whose mothers had preeclampsia compared to other women whose mothers did not have preeclampsia. Studies have shown that daughters develop eclampsia in 48.9% of cases (the eldest daughter more often than the youngest), and sisters develop it in 58% of cases.

Even manifestations of early gestosis or toxicosis, according to the observations of gynecologists, develop in those women whose mothers suffered from toxicosis. If the mother did not show it, then the daughter may only experience slight motion sickness in transport, or her sense of smell may become somewhat heightened.

Most scientists are inclined to believe that when gestosis occurs, a combination of several of these reasons is important.

The metabolic products of the embryo are not neutralized in the first trimester by the placenta (it is formed from 9 to 16 weeks of pregnancy), enter the blood of the pregnant woman and cause nausea and vomiting in response.

Due to changes in a woman’s body (including hormonal ones), the permeability of the vascular wall increases, and as a result, the liquid part of the blood “leaves” the bloodstream and accumulates in the tissues - this is how edema occurs. Both the uterus and placenta swell, which impairs blood supply and oxygen supply to the fetus.

Due to blood thickening, its ability to form blood clots increases. In order to “push” this thickened blood through the vessels, the body has to increase blood pressure - another manifestation of gestosis.

Increased permeability of the vascular wall in the kidneys leads to protein entering the urine and being released from the body - proteinuria is also a symptom of gestosis.

What are the dangers of gestosis during pregnancy (consequences of gestosis)?

The development of gestosis negatively affects the health of both the mother and the fetus, and can cause very serious consequences. A woman may experience problems with her kidneys, lungs, nervous system, liver, and blurred vision. Vasospasm and microcirculation disorders, the formation of microthrombi can lead to hemorrhage in the brain, vascular thrombosis, cerebral edema and the development of a coma, pulmonary edema, heart failure, renal or liver failure.

Uncontrollable vomiting during gestosis can cause dehydration of a woman’s body. Preeclampsia can lead to premature placental abruption, premature birth, and fetal asphyxia. With gestosis of mild and moderate severity, premature birth is observed in 8-9%, and with severe gestosis - in 19-20% of cases. If gestosis progresses to the stage of eclampsia, then 32% of children are born prematurely.

The consequences of late gestosis in any form are extremely unfavorable for the child. An acute form of gestosis with premature placental abruption can even cause the death of the child. Perinatal mortality with gestosis reaches 32%.

Sluggish gestosis leads to fetal hypoxia (insufficient oxygen supply), which, in turn, is likely to cause intrauterine growth retardation. 30-35% of children born to mothers with manifestations of gestosis have low body weight. Fetal hypoxia subsequently leads to delayed physical and mental development of the child. Many children get sick often.

In the most severe form of gestosis - eclampsia - urgent delivery (or termination of pregnancy) is the only way to save the life of the woman and child. Delivery before the due date is not always a favorable outcome for a premature immature baby. Although in some cases the baby has a better chance of surviving outside the womb.

Ptyalism, or drooling, can occur independently or accompany vomiting. Drooling can reach a volume of 1 liter or more per day. At the same time, general health worsens, appetite decreases, there may be a loss of body weight, and sleep disturbances. With severe ptyalism, signs of dehydration may appear.

Typically, early gestosis rarely exhibits an aggressive course. Regardless of the severity of early gestosis, its manifestations should disappear by 12-13 weeks of pregnancy. If manifestations of toxicosis continue, it is necessary to conduct an examination of the pregnant woman to exclude an exacerbation of any chronic disease of the internal organs.

Gestosis of the second half of pregnancy (late gestosis)

Gestosis in the second half of pregnancy is also called late gestosis (toxicosis). They pose a great danger because... can lead to serious complications. They most often develop from the 28th week of pregnancy, but can appear at the end of the first and beginning of the second half of pregnancy. In modern medicine, late gestosis is sometimes called OPG-gestosis: O - edema, P - proteinuria (protein in the urine), G - hypertension (increased blood pressure).

Characteristic triad of symptoms ( swelling, protein in urine, increased blood pressure) may not occur in all women. One of them may indicate the development of gestosis. The only visible manifestation of gestosis for a woman is swelling. And increased blood pressure and protein in the urine can only be detected by a doctor. Therefore, it is so important for a pregnant woman to register for pregnancy in a timely manner and regularly attend doctor’s appointments.

The combination of symptoms for gestosis can be different. Currently, all 3 signs of late gestosis are observed only in 15% of cases, edema with increased pressure - in 32% of cases, protein in the urine and increased pressure - in 12% of cases, edema and protein in the urine - in 3% of cases. Moreover, obvious edema is observed in 25%, and hidden edema (indicated by pathological weight gain) - in 13% of cases.

The first stage of late gestosis swelling, or dropsy during pregnancy. A woman can notice the appearance of edema by feeling a slight numbness in her fingers. With swelling, it becomes difficult to straighten your fingers and put rings on your fingers.

Swelling does not always mean the development of gestosis. Swelling may be the result of increased production of progesterone (the so-called pregnancy hormone). Edema can also appear as a result of exacerbation of a chronic disease (varicose veins, heart disease, kidney disease). But only a doctor can figure out whether edema is a common manifestation of pregnancy, a symptom of a chronic disease, or a symptom of gestosis.

If there is excessive weight gain in a pregnant woman, but there is no visible edema, then to check the woman can undergo a Maclure-Aldrich test: a saline solution is injected subcutaneously and the time taken for the “button” to dissolve is observed. If it does not disappear in less than 35 minutes, it means there is hidden swelling.

If swelling becomes visible, it means that 3 liters of excess fluid are retained in the body. First, the feet swell, then the swelling spreads upward, involving the legs, thighs, abdomen, neck and face. Even if a woman does not experience any unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to take urgent measures to prevent gestosis from worsening. It is dangerous to self-medicate and take diuretics, because... this will make the situation even worse. The condition can deteriorate sharply at any time.

Second stage of gestosis nephropathy– usually develops against the background of dropsy. Its first symptom is increased blood pressure. For a pregnant woman, not only an increase in pressure is important, but also sharp fluctuations in it, which can cause placental abruption and fetal death or sudden bleeding.

Third stage of gestosis preeclampsia– characterized by the fact that in addition to swelling and high blood pressure, there is also protein in urine. At this stage, severe disturbances in the blood supply to the brain may develop, which is manifested by the appearance of severe headaches, a feeling of heaviness in the back of the head, flashing spots before the eyes, nausea and vomiting, visual impairment, memory impairment, and sometimes even mental disorders. Irritability, insomnia, lethargy, pain in the abdomen and right hypochondrium are also noted. Blood pressure is increased - 160/110 mm Hg. Art. and higher.

The fourth, most severe stage of gestosis eclampsia. Sometimes it, bypassing preeclampsia, develops very quickly after nephropathy. With eclampsia, the function of many organs is impaired, and convulsions may occur. Seizure attacks can be provoked by various factors: a sharp sound, bright light, a stressful situation, pain. The attack of convulsions continues for 1-2 minutes. There may be tonic ("pulling" spasms) and clonic (small muscle twitches). The convulsive attack ends with loss of consciousness. But there is also a non-convulsive form of eclampsia, in which, against the background high blood pressure the woman suddenly falls into a coma (loses consciousness).

Eclampsia is fraught with serious complications: placental abruption, premature birth, bleeding, fetal hypoxia and even fetal death. At this stage, it is possible that a heart attack, pulmonary edema, stroke, or renal failure may occur.

Eclampsia most often develops in women with their first pregnancy. When predicting the risk of developing eclampsia, genetic factors should also be taken into account. With hydatidiform mole and multiple pregnancy the risk of developing eclampsia increases significantly.

In some cases, an asymptomatic or low-symptomatic course of gestosis is possible. But rapid development of this pregnancy complication is also possible. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion that a pregnant woman has gestosis, delay in examination and treatment is dangerous for the life of the mother and child.

Late gestosis can have an unpredictable development. It can progress sharply, and the deterioration of the woman’s condition will rapidly increase with each passing hour. The earlier gestosis develops, the more aggressive its course, and the more severe consequences it will have, especially if treatment is not timely.

Rare forms of gestosis

Rare forms of gestosis include:
  • Jaundice of pregnant women: it occurs more often in the second trimester, is accompanied by itching, and is usually progressive in nature; may cause miscarriage, impaired fetal development, bleeding. It recurs during the next pregnancy and is an indication for termination of pregnancy. The cause of its occurrence may be viral hepatitis suffered in the past.
  • Dermatoses: eczema, urticaria, herpetic rashes; there may only be painful skin itching (local or total), causing irritability and insomnia. Occurs more often in people with allergic manifestations and liver pathology.
  • Acute fatty liver degeneration (fatty liver disease): characterized by bleeding, bruising, vomiting, swelling, decreased urine output and convulsions. The cause is unclear; may be the outcome of other types of gestosis. May be combined with fatty kidney disease. Characterized by a gradual decrease in kidney and liver function.
  • Tetany of pregnant women: frequent occurrence of muscle cramps, mainly in the extremities. Occurs when there is a lack of calcium due to its consumption by the fetus, when the function of the parathyroid gland is impaired, when calcium absorption in the intestines is impaired and when there is a lack of vitamin D.
  • Osteomalacia(softening of skeletal bones) and arthropathy(disorders of the articulations of the pelvic bones and joints): also associated with disturbances of calcium and phosphorus metabolism and decreased function of the parathyroid gland. A lack of vitamin D contributes to the occurrence of this type of gestosis.
  • Chorea of ​​pregnancy: uncoordinated and involuntary movements, emotional instability, mental disorders, some difficulty swallowing and speech. Occurs with organic brain lesions. In mild cases, pregnancy continues and ends in childbirth. In severe cases, termination of pregnancy. After pregnancy, symptoms of chorea gradually disappear.

Preeclampsia during second pregnancy

It is known that with the termination of pregnancy, the manifestations of gestosis disappear after a few days. However, after childbirth, it is possible that changes in the organs and systems of a woman’s body may persist and even progress. In this regard, the risk of developing gestosis during repeated pregnancy increases.

Women who have experienced gestosis during pregnancy are at risk for developing gestosis. The risk increases if there is a short interval between pregnancies. Such women should monitor the course of pregnancy and health status from the first weeks of pregnancy, regularly and carefully.

There are, however, known cases when during the second pregnancy gestosis did not develop at all or occurred in a milder form.

Management of pregnancy during gestosis

With a pregnancy of up to 36 weeks and moderate gestosis, continuation of pregnancy is possible, and it depends on the effectiveness of the treatment. In such a situation, a thorough examination and observation of the pregnant woman is carried out in the hospital for 1-2 days. If laboratory data or clinical manifestations in the mother worsen, or if the condition of the fetus worsens, delivery is necessary, regardless of the timing of pregnancy. If the dynamics are positive, then treatment and dynamic monitoring of the condition of the mother and fetus continues in a hospital setting.
Such observation includes:
  • bed or semi-bed rest;
  • control blood pressure 5-6 times a day;
  • body weight control (once every 4 days);
  • daily monitoring of fluid received (drunk and administered intravenously) and excreted;
  • control of protein content in urine (in a single portion every 2-3 days and in the daily amount of urine every 5 days);
  • general blood and urine test every 5 days;
  • eye examinations;
  • monitoring the condition of the fetus daily.
If the treatment for gestosis is effective, pregnancy is continued until the due date or until a viable fetus is born.

In severe cases of gestosis, more active pregnancy management tactics are currently being used. Indications for early delivery are not only eclampsia (convulsive or non-convulsive) and complications of eclampsia, but also preeclampsia if there is no effect of treatment within 3-12 hours, and moderate gestosis if there is no effect of treatment within 5-6 days. A rapid increase in the severity of a woman's condition or progression of placental insufficiency is also an indication for early delivery.

The severity of gestosis and the condition of the woman and fetus determine the choice of method and time of delivery. Vaginal delivery is preferred. But for this, the following conditions are necessary: ​​cephalic presentation of the fetus, proportionality of the fetal head and the mother’s pelvis, maturity of the cervix, the age of the pregnant woman is not older than 30 years, etc.

With gestosis, the anti-stress resistance of both the mother and the fetus decreases. Childbirth with gestosis is stressful for both of them. And at any moment (with fatigue during childbirth, painful sensations, etc.) a woman can suffer from pressure that has sharply increased to critical levels. This can lead to the development of eclampsia during childbirth and to a violation cerebral circulation. Therefore, with gestosis, childbirth is often carried out by cesarean section (although eclampsia can develop in this case).

Indications for delivery by caesarean section with gestosis are currently expanded:

  • eclampsia and complications of eclampsia;
  • various complications of gestosis: acute renal failure, coma, retinal detachment or retinal hemorrhage, cerebral hemorrhage, premature placental abruption, acute fatty liver disease in pregnant women, HELLP syndrome (combined liver damage and hemolytic anemia in nephropathy), etc.;
  • preeclampsia, severe gestosis with an immature cervix;
  • gestosis in combination with other obstetric pathology;
  • gestosis for a long time (more than 3 weeks).
With gestosis in pregnancy after 36 weeks, continuing the pregnancy no longer makes sense; we are only talking about choosing the method of delivery.

Treatment of gestosis during pregnancy

Treatment of early gestosis

Nausea, increased salivation and vomiting - the main manifestations of early gestosis during pregnancy - can simply be tolerated. Some women are able to get rid of nausea and vomiting in the morning if they drink lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach.

If nausea constantly bothers you, and vomiting occurs occasionally, then you can try to reduce nausea with tea (with mint, lemon balm or lemon), fruit drinks and juices. In the morning it is better to eat cottage cheese or fermented milk products, cheese - every woman will be able to choose acceptable ways to combat nausea. You can rinse your mouth with infusion of chamomile and sage.

If you have severe salivation, rinsing with oak bark infusion and taking yarrow infusion 10 minutes before meals and 2 hours after meals will also help.

If vomiting is uncontrollable and constant, then you should definitely consult a doctor, as this can threaten the health of both the woman and the fetus. Vomiting occurs in 50-60% of pregnant women, and only 8-10% of them require treatment. Don't forget to drink enough to replace fluid lost through vomiting.

Medicinal treatment, including homeopathic remedies, can only be used as prescribed by a doctor and under the supervision of a doctor.

In case of severe general condition women (development of acute renal failure or acute yellow dystrophy of the liver) with gestosis in the first half of pregnancy and in the absence of effect from treatment within 6-12 hours, termination of pregnancy is indicated. And since most often early gestosis develops in 6-12 weeks of pregnancy, the pregnancy is terminated through an induced abortion.

Treatment of late gestosis

  • Creation of a therapeutic and protective regime. Depending on the severity of gestosis, bed or semi-bed rest and sufficient sleep are prescribed. Loud sounds and emotional experiences are excluded. Psychotherapeutic work with women is recommended as a mandatory component of treatment. If necessary, the doctor prescribes sedatives (valerian, motherwort for mild gestosis, or more potent drugs for severe gestosis).
  • Proper diet for a pregnant woman: varied, fortified, easily digestible food; limiting carbohydrates and sufficient amounts of protein in foods; eating enough fruits and vegetables, juices and fruit drinks. Sometimes it is recommended to eat food while lying in bed, in small portions, chilled. Fasting days is not recommended. You should not limit fluid, even with severe edema (contrary to many recommendations on the Internet) - after all, on the contrary, it is necessary to replenish the volume of the bloodstream.
  • Drug treatment is prescribed for the purpose of normalizing the functions of organs and systems of a pregnant woman and preventing or treating fetal hypoxia. Diuretics are practically not used, because their use further reduces the volume of blood flow, thereby disrupting (or further exacerbating existing disturbances) placental circulation. The only indications for their use are pulmonary edema and heart failure, but after replenishment of the circulating blood volume. Vitamins of group B, C, E are prescribed; drugs that improve uteroplacental blood circulation and reduce the permeability of the vascular wall, lower blood pressure and others.
  • Early delivery. Indications for early delivery and methods are described in the section “Management of pregnancy during gestosis.”
The duration of treatment is determined individually depending on the severity of gestosis, the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Treatment for grade 1 dropsy in pregnancy is carried out on an outpatient basis; all other cases should be treated in a hospital.

The main condition for successful treatment is timeliness and professionalism.

Prevention of gestosis during pregnancy

Prevention of gestosis (toxicosis) should be taken care of even when planning pregnancy. It is necessary to conduct an examination and consultation with specialists in order to identify pathology and (if necessary) carry out treatment. It is also necessary to exclude bad habits, i.e. prepare in advance for conception.

During pregnancy, the following measures will serve to prevent gestosis:

  • Sufficient sleep (8-9 hours a day), proper rest, limitation of physical activity, exclusion of stressful situations and a positive psycho-emotional climate in the family are the most important conditions for the prevention of gestosis.
  • Breathing exercises, special physiotherapy for pregnant women, massage of the cervical-collar region and head will balance the processes of inhibition and excitation in the centers of the brain and improve blood oxygen saturation. Swimming, Pilates, yoga, and long walks (hiking) in the fresh air will help prevent gestosis (toxicosis).
  • It is important that the family understands the condition of the pregnant woman and tries to alleviate it. For example, if a woman is irritated by strong odors during this period ( eau de toilette husband, coffee, garlic, onions, etc.), then you should stop using them.
  • You should wake up slowly, without making sudden movements. While still lying down (even if there is no nausea yet), you can eat a piece of black bread or a cracker, kiwi or a slice of lemon, or drink a chamomile decoction.
  • Nutrition should be complete, but this does not mean that you can eat everything and in unlimited quantities. During the day, food should be consumed often, but in small portions. Food should not be very hot and not very cold.
It is necessary to exclude fried, fatty foods, smoked foods, canned food, pickles, and chocolate. It is also necessary to limit, or better yet exclude, sweets, baked goods, and ice cream. It is important to limit your salt intake.

It is useful to eat porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal).

A growing fetus needs proteins, so a pregnant woman should eat protein-rich foods: lean meats (beef, chicken, veal), eggs, fish, cottage cheese. And if gestosis has already appeared, then the need for proteins is even higher, because proteins are lost in urine.

Fruits and berries, decoctions of dried fruits and rose hips, and cranberry juice will provide the body with vitamins. We should not forget about fiber - it will both cause a feeling of fullness and serve as a preventive measure for constipation. The most fiber is found in vegetables (carrots, beets), fruits and dried fruits, mushrooms, bran, seaweed, and herbs.

  • The recommended volume of fluid per day is at least 2 liters. This volume also includes milk, soups, and juicy fruits. You can drink alkaline mineral waters without carbon, tea with lemon balm or mint.
  • It is necessary to constantly monitor your weight and keep records. After 28 weeks of pregnancy, weekly weight gain should average 350 g, and no more than 500 g. During the entire pregnancy, a woman should gain no more than 12 kg in weight. Excessive or too rapid weight gain may indicate the development of edema.
  • Difficulties in the outflow of urine contribute to the occurrence of edema and the development of gestosis. The uterus in a standing position puts pressure on the ureters and thereby disrupts the outflow of urine. Therefore, doctors recommend that pregnant women stand in the knee-elbow position 3-4 times a day for 10 minutes. You can place a pillow under your chest for comfort. This improves urine flow.
  • To prevent edema, it is recommended to drink kidney tea, a decoction of lingonberry, rosehip, and bearberry leaves. You can take herbal preparations such as Cyston, Canephron, Cystenal.
  • Sometimes doctors prescribe magnesium preparations (Magnerot, Magne-B6), lipoic acid, vitamin E, Chophytol (promotes inactivation of substances that destroy blood vessels in the liver), Curantil (improves blood supply to the placenta and is a preventive agent for the development of gestosis) to prevent gestosis.

Preeclampsia: causes, symptoms, consequences, treatment, prevention - video

Pregnancy after gestosis

If a woman’s pregnancy proceeded with gestosis, then it is very difficult to predict whether there will be gestosis in the next pregnancy. In each specific case, you should consult a doctor and analyze possible reasons gestosis.

A woman in this situation is at risk for gestosis and needs careful medical supervision from the very first weeks of a new pregnancy.

But the occurrence of gestosis in subsequent pregnancies is not inevitable.

Gestosis during pregnancy later: signs and consequences

Gestosis during pregnancy is a complication of gestation that occurs in the later stages. The condition significantly disrupts the functions of the mother’s body and brings suffering to the child.

Therefore, at the first manifestations of pathology, it is necessary to do an examination, and if the problem is confirmed, take measures to eliminate it.

Let's consider in more detail: toxicosis during pregnancy - what it is, why it occurs in the later stages, its signs and consequences (for the pregnant woman herself and for the baby).

Gestosis during pregnancy - what is it?

Preeclampsia during late pregnancy is pathological condition which some pregnant women experience, its outdated name is late toxicosis. It is accompanied by a distortion of the functioning of interconnected organs and systems.

Treatment of gestosis in the second half of pregnancy

With the first degree of toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy, the patient is prescribed outpatient treatment. It is recommended to lie more on your left side so that the uterus is better supplied with blood and oxygen. To normalize brain function, herbal sedatives are prescribed. In certain cases, mild tranquilizers, such as Phenazepam, may be needed.

Inpatient treatment: indications and methodology

Hospitalization is indicated for a woman with any degree of gestosis that is higher than the first. Also, inpatient treatment is suggested when outpatient treatment does not bring positive dynamics.

The hospital therapy technique involves the injection into a vein of drugs (magnesium sulfate, pentoxifylline, aminophylline) that relieve spasms, lower blood pressure and prevent the occurrence of convulsive syndrome. Medicines to lower blood pressure, as well as blood thinners, are prescribed as complementary agents. The treatment period for mild and moderate gestosis is variable and ranges from 2 to 4 weeks. The patient is in serious condition in the hospital until delivery.

Consequences for mom

The main danger of gestosis for a woman is the disruption of the functioning of vital organs. Hepatic, renal and cardiac dysfunction threatens subsequent distortion of the functioning of other systems. The most serious consequence of gestosis during pregnancy is death or eclamptic coma. There is a risk of pulmonary edema and hemorrhages in organs. The prognosis depends on the degree of the disease, the clinical picture and the initial health status of the patient.

Consequences of gestosis during pregnancy for a child

Medical practice shows that the closer to childbirth gestosis begins, the more favorable its prognosis will be. Women whose problem appeared at 35 weeks are more likely to have a successful resolution than pregnant women with gestosis that began at 20 weeks. The main danger for the baby is oxygen starvation. Hypoxia can lead to irreversible consequences:

  • cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • fetal malnutrition;
  • intrauterine death.

The likelihood of recurrence of gestosis in later stages in subsequent pregnancies

Preeclampsia may recur during the next pregnancy. Moreover, the likelihood of relapse is directly proportional to the time of onset of symptoms. If a woman’s gestosis began at 20 weeks, then recurrence is almost guaranteed. When future mom faced with signs of late toxicosis just before giving birth, the likelihood of its relapse is reduced significantly.

Current video

Preeclampsia during pregnancy - what is it, symptoms

Every woman in an interesting position, already in the very early stages of pregnancy, wants to know what awaits her and what to prepare for. The blood pressure has increased and appeared - maybe this is gestosis? The word itself is associated with a hospital and evokes a feeling of danger. What does “increased protein in urine” mean? Is gestosis during pregnancy really that terrible, what are its causes and symptoms? Let’s look at it in this article.

What is gestosis during pregnancy?

Preeclampsia is one of the most unpleasant “phenomena” when expecting a baby. It usually occurs in the second half of pregnancy.

Symptoms of gestosis:

  • high blood pressure;
  • increased protein in the urine.

Gestosis during pregnancy: causes

Previously, there were many theories about the causes of gestosis. Some scientists “blamed” everything on the immune system, which was unable to “come to terms” with the baby throughout pregnancy. Others shifted all responsibility onto genetics and cited many examples to prove that the tendency to preeclampsia is inherited from mother to daughter. Still others believed that the reason for everything was hormonal changes in the body and the resulting “disagreements” between the endocrine and nervous systems.

Currently, doctors believe that the cause of gestosis in pregnant women is a combination of factors (listed above) leading to disturbances in the body.

The development of gestosis in pregnant women - what happens in the body?

Preeclampsia during pregnancy is a “vicious circle” that is difficult to “break.” Any failure in the mother-fetus system causes a cascade of reactions in the body of a pregnant woman (vasospasm, swelling, increased pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine), which leads to disruptions in the functioning of many organs, which in turn further aggravates the situation. The first symptom is, as a rule, swelling, but gestosis can occur without visible swelling or increased pressure.

Development of gestosis in pregnant women:

  1. The trigger for gestosis during pregnancy is vasospasm, which usually occurs in response to insufficient “nutrition” of the placenta and baby.
  2. Vasospasm causes an increase in blood pressure.
  3. There is a change in the properties of the walls of blood vessels, which begin to intensively transmit protein and water into the tissue.
  4. The fluidity of the blood worsens, it becomes thicker, and the formation of blood clots increases.
  5. Spasm of blood vessels, especially small ones, is aggravated, because. The body in a stressful situation tries first to supply blood to vital organs (brain, heart, lungs).
  6. Blood pressure rises even more.
  7. Swelling, damage to the walls of blood vessels, changes in the properties of the blood lead to disruption of the nutrition and functioning of all organs and tissues of the pregnant woman.
  8. The main symptoms of gestosis during pregnancy

Edema in pregnant women

As a rule, not only pregnant women suffer from this, but also those whose working day is spent on their feet. In addition, slight swelling (pasty) of the legs in pregnant women is normal, given the double load on the body. This is provided that the amount of fluid released during urination corresponds to the volume drunk. Also keep in mind that swelling can be hidden, that is, invisible. Internal organs swell and the only evidence of hidden edema is significant weight gain.

When should you see a doctor?

  • weight gain of more than 18 kg (during the entire pregnancy) or more than 600 grams per week
  • a hole remains on the shin if you press it from the front with your finger;
  • a trace of the trouser elastic remains on the stomach;
  • The amount of fluid released during urination is noticeably less than that consumed.

All these are clear signs that edema has moved from the “norm” category to the “pathology” category.

High blood pressure during pregnancy (arterial hypertension)

The blood pressure numbers at which a person feels good are different for everyone. Some people are cheerful and cheerful at 120/80, but for others this “bar” is too high and 100/70 would be just right. The initial stage of development of gestosis is an increase in the first indicator (“upper” pressure) by 30, and the second (“lower” pressure) by 15 from the initial one.

Normal level of protein in urine during pregnancy

Normally, there is no protein in the urine during pregnancy (proteinuria). In case of kidney disease, the level of protein in the urine may fluctuate, on average - 0.033 g/l. What do the higher numbers mean? They indicate a serious dysfunction not only of the kidneys, but also of the functioning of the entire body. The higher the protein in the urine during pregnancy, the more severe the gestosis.

What is gestosis?

"Pure" and "combined"

"Clean" occurs against the background of complete health and its main cause is pregnancy and the changes that occur in the body during this wonderful period.

"Combined" gestosis occurs against the background of chronic diseases of the expectant mother and can aggravate them. If you have hypertension, kidney or liver diseases, take special care of your health. It is the cardiovascular and genitourinary systems that bear the main burden during pregnancy.

Early and late

Symptoms late gestosis appear after 30-32 weeks of pregnancy and their occurrence is directly related to pregnancy.

Early gestosis develops before 30 weeks of pregnancy, as a rule, against the background of concomitant diseases (pathology of the kidneys or cardiovascular system) and is more difficult to tolerate.

Mild, moderate and severe

The severity of gestosis is assessed by the presence or absence of characteristic symptoms and the degree of their manifestation: the period of onset of gestosis, the amount of protein in the urine, blood pressure, the prevalence of edema, etc. The severity of gestosis is determined to select the correct tactics for pregnancy management and prescribe adequate treatment.

Preeclampsia and eclampsia in pregnancy

Preeclampsia and eclampsia in pregnant women are extreme manifestations of gestosis.

Preeclampsia- This is a short-term condition immediately before eclampsia. Symptoms: headache, flashing “spots” before the eyes. All this against the background of existing symptoms of gestosis. A typical manifestation of eclampsia is convulsions, which develop in parallel with dysfunction of vital organs.

Preeclampsia and eclampsia in pregnant women are practically no longer common, thanks to timely diagnosis and availability of treatment.

Preeclampsia is a disease that, without treatment, has very serious consequences. Pregnant women often scour the Internet in search of solutions to health problems. Going to the doctor is either scary, or expensive, or... Remember that if you self-medicate and stay at home until the last minute, gestosis can result in premature placental abruption, bleeding and even fetal death. Don’t be afraid to go to the doctor again, even if it seems that the problem can be solved on your own. We remind you once again: the correct diagnosis will be made by a doctor. He will prescribe treatment. Take care of yourself and your future baby - don’t put off visiting the doctor!

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Analysis frequency

The first time a urine test is taken upon registration. This must be done no later than 12 weeks of pregnancy. In the future, a general urine test is given immediately before each visit to the antenatal clinic. This allows you to monitor the condition of a woman’s kidneys. The analysis itself is very simple. It does not require large financial expenditures and is quite informative. In addition, the collection of material is absolutely painless.

Urine collection rules

Compliance with the rules increases the reliability of the results, so it is recommended:

  1. collect urine in the morning;
  2. use a sterile container;
  3. adhere to the rules of personal hygiene.

Normal protein in urine

Normally it is not found in urine. The kidneys simply do not allow large blood proteins to pass through their filter, and those that, due to their small size, pass through are subject to decay and reabsorption.

Increased protein in the urine of pregnant women up to 0.015–0.020 g/l is also considered a variant of the norm. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy the kidneys experience enormous stress, and small changes in urine analysis are acceptable under such conditions.

False Positives

An increase in the amount of protein in the urine during pregnancy does not always mean the presence of pathology. Therefore, to find out what protein in the urine means, a repeat test is always done during pregnancy. Changes may be related to dietary habits. If you eat a lot of protein, some of it will be excreted through the kidneys. Pregnant women often eat cottage cheese, meat, and eggs. This is correct, because the child needs protein, however, before taking a urine test, it is advisable not to consume too much of it.

Violation of intimate hygiene also leads to distorted results. Before collecting urine, you should thoroughly clean the genitals. If this is not done, vaginal discharge, which is rich in protein, may end up in the urine. Naturally, in such cases only a slight deviation from the norm will be observed. Serious changes cannot be ignored and explained only by nutrition or hygiene errors.

Promotion Levels

The appearance of protein in the urine is called proteinuria. For convenience, high protein is divided into several levels:

  • traces of protein – up to 0.033 g/l;
  • microalbuminuria – up to 0.3 g/day;
  • mild proteinuria – up to 1.0 g/day;
  • moderate proteinuria – up to 3.0 g/day;
  • severe proteinuria – over 3.0 g/day.

These levels are highlighted for a reason. In each case, the doctor’s further tactics are different.

Squirrel tracks

During pregnancy, trace proteinuria by itself without other changes can be considered normal. However, if protein and leukocytes are found in the urine, pyelonephritis can be suspected.

Pyelonephritis occurs quite often in pregnant women. The reasons for this are varied:

  • exacerbation of a chronic process against the background of decreased immunity;
  • compression of the ureters by the growing uterus, which impairs the outflow of urine from the kidneys;
  • decreased tone of the bladder under the influence of hormones, which leads to urine backflow and the development of inflammation.

Treatment of pyelonephritis includes antibiotic therapy and detoxication. When selecting antibiotics, two rules are used: the drugs must have the maximum effect on the kidneys and not affect the fetus. In addition, diet plays an important role: it is necessary to limit the consumption of spicy, salty, smoked foods and drink more fluids.

Late gestosis in pregnant women

Preeclampsia is a rather serious pathological condition that can occur in pregnant women. Late gestosis develops in the second half of pregnancy, that is, for a period of more than 20 weeks. A severe form of gestosis threatens with serious consequences for both the mother and the fetus. And identifying this condition in the early stages is very simple - you need to check the protein in the urine.

Reasons for the appearance of protein in the urine during gestosis

Changes in the body of a pregnant woman during late gestosis occur due to impaired permeability of small vessels. Because of this, the vessels of the kidneys and their glomerular apparatus are primarily affected. It is at this stage that they begin to leak protein, which is reflected in the urine test.

On initial stages gestosis, due to a slight loss of protein by the body, there are no external manifestations, but this may be a matter of time. Therefore, the appearance of protein in the urine in the second half of pregnancy means that urgent measures need to be taken.

External manifestations of late gestosis

Since protein is excreted from the body in urine, total protein in the blood drops. This can be easily determined using a biochemical blood test. In the blood, proteins, like salts, retain water, so when there are fewer of them, plasma leaves the vessels and enters the tissues. This is how swelling appears. At first they are small and unnoticeable.

A woman may complain of slight swelling in her legs in the evening after have a hard day. Also, many people wake up with bags under their eyes, which is usually associated with fatigue or lack of sleep and try to remove them with the help of various face masks. However, this is no longer a good sign, the appearance of which requires contacting a doctor.

If fluid is retained in the body, blood pressure begins to rise. It is not for nothing that blood pressure is measured at an appointment at the antenatal clinic, because they know that its increase is a sign of gestosis.

Severe gestosis develops into preeclampsia and eclampsia. Eclampsia is convulsions that occur in a pregnant woman against the background of high blood pressure and impaired blood flow in the organs.

The amount of protein in the urine during gestosis

If we are talking about late gestosis in pregnant women, and not about pyelonephritis or urinary tract infection, then the amount of protein in the urine ranges from microalbuminuria to severe proteinuria, up to a daily protein loss of more than 5 g/day.

The doctor always looks at a general urine test first. If proteinuria is detected, then it is necessary to provide daily urine. In this way, protein loss per day is determined, which is a key indicator for diagnosing gestosis.

Consequences of gestosis

Since gestosis occurs due to impaired vascular permeability, not only the kidneys, but also other organs suffer. In particular, the uteroplacental blood flow suffers. Its violation leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus and premature placental abruption.

If eclampsia develops (convulsions begin), a woman may experience hemorrhage in the brain, liver, kidneys, cerebral edema, and even respiratory arrest.

Treatment of late gestosis in pregnant women

Many books and manuals have been written on how to treat gestosis, which is more than dangerous. Now doctors agree that if it is not possible to conservatively remove the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to remove the child from an uncomfortable environment.

During short periods of pregnancy, they try to maintain the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus with the help of drugs. If the period allows, or gestosis is very severe, early delivery is performed by cesarean section.

All tests done during pregnancy are aimed at early detection of pathologies in order to reduce the likelihood of severe complications for the body of the mother and child. Therefore, you should not ignore them.


Preeclampsia can also appear in a completely healthy woman. You cannot self-medicate, you need to consult a specialist.

If he does not share your suspicions about gestosis, ask for a referral to another doctor.

Modern medicine makes it possible to reduce the risk of complications in both the mother and the child, and to prolong pregnancy until optimal time childbirth, reduce the degree of gestosis, carry, and then give birth to a healthy baby.

What is considered gestosis?

Preeclampsia is a pathological condition of a pregnant woman, manifested in disruption of the functioning of vital organs. This pathology does not allow the body to ensure the safety of the child, therefore, of all the causes of death in mothers and infants, it is in second place.

Causes of the disease

This pathology has not been fully studied, so there is a lot of debate about the causes of gestosis. But the main ones are impaired blood circulation, impaired water-salt metabolism, vascular spasm and changes in blood properties.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • protein appears in the urine.

Since edema occurs in almost all pregnant women, if gestosis is suspected, other symptoms of the disease should be excluded. The decision about whether a woman has gestosis is made by a specialist based on available diagnostic data and examinations.

Modern medicine identifies another stage of gestosis symptoms - preclinical.

When there is no disease yet, but there are changes in laboratory data. Most often this happens in the first and early second trimesters.

Signs of the preclinical stage:

  • a constant decrease in the number of platelets in the blood;
  • decrease in the level of anticoagulants;
  • lymphopenia;
  • hypercoagulation in the plasma and cellular homeostasis;
  • disturbance of fetoplacental flow.

Mechanism of disease development

Vasospasm interferes with blood circulation, thereby blood pressure increases. Also the inner layer of blood vessels is affected– endothelium, and this adversely affects blood clotting and vascular tone.

The fluidity of the blood changes and its viscosity increases. Impaired blood circulation leads to the formation of blood clots, the tissues of the woman and child are not sufficiently supplied with oxygen.

Violation of water-salt metabolism leads to the appearance of edema and protein in the urine. Acute renal failure is possible.

Not uncommon liver dysfunction, this causes disruption of blood circulation in its tissues and hemorrhages.

Changes also occur in the brain: Blood clots appear in the vessels, hemorrhages occur, changes in nerve cells occur, intracranial pressure increases, and convulsive seizures are possible.

The placenta stops functioning normally fetoplacental insufficiency develops.

Disease risk groups

  1. Pregnant women with heart and vascular diseases.
  2. Pregnant women with endocrine diseases.
  3. Pregnant women with kidney disease.
  4. Primiparas under the age of 18 and over 35.
  5. Primiparas suffering from genital infantilism.
  6. Pregnant women with liver diseases.
  7. Pregnant women with impaired fat metabolism.
  8. Pregnant women with abnormalities in the structure of the uterus.
  9. Pregnant women with or.
  10. Pregnant, malnourished and resting women.
  11. Pregnant women who already had preeclampsia during a previous pregnancy.
  12. Pregnant women with a fetus.
  13. Pregnant women who have a negative attitude towards their pregnancy.
  14. Pregnant women with bad habits.
  15. Pregnant women working at work with occupational hazards.
  16. Pregnant women in negative social and living conditions.

Why is gestosis dangerous during pregnancy?

For Mom:

  • kidney damage to the point of failure;
  • damage to the central nervous system and brain cells;
  • headache;
  • blurred vision;
  • convulsions;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • stroke;
  • acute respiratory failure;
  • failure of internal organs;
  • coma.

For baby:

  • developmental delay;
  • premature placental abruption, which threatens the death of the fetus.

Diagnosis of the disease

For timely diagnosis and treatment, it is necessary to register with the antenatal clinic on time and not miss visits to the gynecologist and other specialists.

Preeclampsia is determined based on medical history, the condition of the woman herself and her complaints.

Necessary tests and examinations:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • general urine analysis;
  • urine test according to Nechiporenko;
  • biochemical urine analysis;
  • blood clotting test;
  • counting fluid consumed and excreted;
  • blood pressure measurement;
  • control of body weight gain;
  • fundus examination;
  • checking the concentration function of the kidneys;
  • Dopplerometry;
  • consultation with a therapist, neurologist, nephrologist, ophthalmologist.

Treatment and prevention of gestosis during pregnancy

Treatment must be prescribed by your gynecologist, and it consists of approximately the following:

  • taking sedatives and sedatives;
  • restoration of the functions of vitally important organs with the help of medications;
  • timely delivery (in severe cases of gestosis, delivery is carried out by cesarean section);
  • severe forms of gestosis require hospital treatment and observation;
  • complex therapy that reduces the manifestations of gestosis: edema, blood pressure and protein concentration in the urine.

Preeclampsia. Program "Doctors" dated June 26, 2012

Prevention of the disease:

  • regular weighing and monitoring of body weight gain;
  • regular blood pressure measurement;
  • regular urine tests;
  • high intake of fiber and protein;
  • restriction in consumption of flour and fatty foods;
  • regular walking;
  • maximum time spent outdoors.

It should be remembered that gestosis is a very serious pathology, which has serious consequences, including the death of the mother or baby, so its treatment must be approached very responsibly and followed all the doctor’s instructions.

To maximally protect a pregnant woman from the consequences, hospitalization and drug treatment, as well as constant monitoring by doctors, are necessary.