Conspiracy to successfully sell things.  Effective conspiracies for the profitable sale of houses and land from the strongest magicians of our time.  Natalia Stepanova's conspiracy to sell real estate

Conspiracy to successfully sell things. Effective conspiracies for the profitable sale of houses and land from the strongest magicians of our time. Natalia Stepanova's conspiracy to sell real estate

We all periodically become participants in the process of buying and selling. However, every now and then we find ourselves on opposite sides of the barricades, that is, we play the role of either a seller or a buyer. However, it often happens that the real demand for your product does not meet expectations, that is, the product simply does not sell. What to do in this case, if there is neither desire nor opportunity to wait for the sale? In this matter, magic will help to understand, namely a conspiracy to sell. We will find out who can read such conspiracies, how to correctly read such spells at home.

What is the essence of the ceremony

When talking about selling, a picture appears in your head - you put up a product for sale, a buyer immediately appears, you receive a certain amount of money, and he leaves with the product he needs. However, in practice, everything is not so simple. This is due to the fact that the offer on the market is quite wide. That is, if you are selling a bicycle, a stroller or a fur coat, you must understand that not only do you offer this product, you have many competitors. Magic can help speed up the process of finding a buyer and making a deal.

It is very important to decide on the key and purpose for which you want to resort to magic, this can be:

  • A guarantee of a fair deal, that is, you can protect yourself from deception and scams
  • Getting the maximum profit, increase revenue
  • The fastest sale of goods
  • Increasing competitiveness if you are selling a non-unique product

Also, magical sales techniques are used to secure a preliminary sale agreement. For example, if we are talking about the sale of an apartment, house or car, that is, an expensive product, the transaction is not completed in one day. There is a high probability that the buyer, before giving a deposit, may change his mind, which naturally plays against you. This factor is also taken into account in many quick sale plots.

Now let's move on to the most powerful and ongoing conspiracies for sale, which have been actively used for more than a decade and have only positive reviews.

Assistance in the sale of real estate

Despite the fact that real estate transactions are accompanied by experienced realtors, you should not rely only on their help, use simple magical rites that will accompany the success of selling and buying a home.

A simple spell to sell an apartment

This plot option for the sale of real estate is suitable for the sale of any product, however, it is most often used during real estate transactions. For a quick sale plot, you will need a few grains of wheat. They need to be put in all corners of the house or apartment for sale. After that, start reading the magic words:

“I scatter the grains, say goodbye to the goods. Let the buyer be found faster, let him be happy here. Merchant, merchant, I call you.

After the last word has been said, collect all the grains and bury them near the property for sale as seedlings for the garden. This will greatly speed up the sale process and help you find a responsible buyer.

How to sell an apartment faster

We all hate to wait, especially when it comes to getting money. There is a way to significantly speed up the desired transaction. To do this, you need to carry out the following activities:

  • When it comes to real estate, you need to carry out a general cleaning in the house or apartment. You can not miss a single corner, the quality of cleaning should be maximum.
  • When you start wet cleaning, you need to make sure that the water does not change when you move from room to room.
  • When the cleaning ritual is completed, say, looking at the used water, loudly these words:

"I'm talking to you, brownie. We lived side by side with you, I didn’t offend you, brownie, and you were nice to me. Help sell housing, brownie, attract a merchant here. And don’t be mean here, let him be the main one in the future.”

Now you need to pour the used dirty water into the street, as it has absorbed all the negativity that could arise in the process of processing the transaction.

If any other product is being sold, a similar ritual should be performed with washing the item. For example, if you need to sell furniture, wipe it with a damp cloth, then read the above plot for a quick sale.

How to make a sale successful

In order for a deal with a real estate buyer to go “without a hitch”, that is, successfully, you can apply an appropriate strong conspiracy to sell. It is read strictly at dawn, when the sun is just rising into the sky. First, let us turn to God by reading the Our Father prayer three times. After that, you need to pronounce directly to the words of a strong conspiracy to sell.

“Silk thresholds, silver windows, smooth walls, malachite things - I offer you everything, merchant. I expect money from you to sell everything to you.”

It is very important to choose the right time for the ritual. Good Friday and the growing moon are considered ideal if the ritual is performed at home. Remember, no one should interfere with you.

How to speed up the sale of land

Land is a commodity that will always be valuable. The fact is that when buying land, you yourself will decide what will be built on the acquired land. Since this is an expensive purchase, both the buyer and the seller want to secure the sale process as much as possible.

For this, magic has a separate conspiracy for a profitable sale, which is outlined below:

“I sell the land, black and noble. Let the buyer come and begin to dispose of it. Let him bring money and don't deceive me. I'm looking forward to you, don't go to another seller.

Now you can sleep peacefully, the buyer will not look for another seller and will not refuse to complete the transaction at the last moment.

Conspiracy to sell any product

Of course, sales assistance is needed not only during real estate transactions, but also during the sale of any other product. It can be a painting, clothes, shoes, flowers, vegetables, meat, milk, food, and so on, it doesn't matter. How to make sure that the buyer turns his attention to you and buys what you offer? In such cases, special sales conspiracies are used that play into the hands of the seller.

Ritual with a coin

This ritual must be carried out strictly on the growing moon, this will positively affect the outcome of the ritual. You need to take a silver-colored coin, generously dip it in tea tree essential oil. In this case, you need to sentence such words:

“I give the goods, I expect a coin in return. I accept your gift, I give my goods. I look forward to getting here. Amen".

After that, you need to go to the nearest store and spend the coin on the purchase of any product. At the moment when you give the coin to the seller, quietly say the word "Pay".

Whisper on the item being sold

In this case, you need to stand next to the product being sold, if possible, take it in your hands. Now start reading the words of the conspiracy for a quick sale:

“I, (your name), am ashamed to sell goods, I expect the same from you who come to my doorstep. The first, second, third will come and take the purchase.

In a few days, the plot for the sale will work, a real buyer will respond to the advertisement for the sale, all that remains is to wait for a call or message.

The strongest conspiracy

This is one of the most powerful conspiracies for a successful sale of a thing being sold, it is also called a conspiracy for water for sale. To carry it out, you need to find a black piece of cloth and take a wide container with table salt. Lightly soak a rag in plain water, then generously roll in salt so that it is completely covered with salt. Now say the following words:

“Black is the color of sadness and longing. However, I will not yearn, as I sell the goods from the heart. I'm waiting for you, my buyer, I'll just open the door for you.

In this option, you must follow the rules of the ceremony. Thus, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol on the eve of the ritual, and you also need to make every effort not to quarrel with anyone the day before and after the ceremony. If all conditions are met, the sale will be completed as soon as possible.

Conspiracies to speed up the sale

Regardless of what exactly you plan to sell, you want to do it as quickly as possible. In order for the desired to come true, there are several spells and whispers in magic that will bring the deal as close as possible and make it urgent.

Popular conspiracy for a quick sale

Here is a variant of a conspiracy for a quick sale, which can be found in the spell book of Natalia Stepanova. To carry it out, you will need an item for sale and a paper banknote of a large denomination. Put or place the goods in front of you, take the money in your left hand and fan the item being sold with it. In this case, money should play the role of a kind of financial magic fan that will attract good luck to your home.

In this case, you need to pronounce the following words:

“I sell, I sell, I call everyone to the fair! Everything you want is here, come in soon, friend.

Conspiracy for aroma

Aromas and odors are powerful conductors magical energy. For this reason, fragrances often become one of the ingredients of love spells and conspiracies for a successful sale. To increase sales success and attract a buyer, you need to use the smell of lavender. You need to purchase incense sticks with the appropriate smell, then fumigate the item being sold with this smoke. At this time, say these words:

“I hear the coppers are ringing, the smoke is leaving, the buyer is coming.”

The conspiracy to sell should take effect soon.

We increase trade in the market

That's where the sale really boils, it's in the market and the bazaar. Thousands of money transactions are made here in just one day. The same thing happens in hairdressing, cosmetology, services of the same type, for example, in the food environment, and so on. How do sellers manage to withstand competition, because, for example, only about 20 people sell milk in one row? We learn about the features of bazaar magic, what conspiracies are used by sellers.



Ritual for the sale of property.

How to deal with bad trading

Magic is public, everyone can use it. For this reason, there is a strong possibility that the seller to your left or right has such a profit, not because his cottage cheese is tastier and the strawberries are fresher, but because he cast a spell on good trade and customer acquisition.

You should not worry only if:

  • Your products do not compete with each other
  • If you are selling a product that people need on a daily basis. That is, you can sell it sooner or later during the day
  • If the neighbor's product is still different from yours, preferably for the worse

In all other cases, you are very likely to fail and go home without earning. To prevent this from happening, you need to find effective conspiracy to sell, which will be stronger than that imposed by a competitor. This can only be done by trial and error, there is no other way.

We increase the demand for a stale thing

All goods can be conditionally divided into those that sell best, and those that lie idle for a long time. This can happen for many reasons, for example, the sale is influenced by the time of year, the exchange rate, and so on. Do not despair, there is always the opportunity to bypass all obstacles and still sell the stale goods. To do this, choose the right time, namely the full moon, and read these words, looking at the moon:

“The moon shines in the sky, full as an orange. Light up my product, attract people. Holy, holy will be the place where I trade. It's better here, let them come here."

It is good if, while reading the plot, the thing that needs to be sold is nearby.

We sell an unpopular product

Another way that will increase your chances of selling a stale unpopular product. To carry it out, you need to put or deliver goods that need to be sold between those that are in regular demand. Then say the words:

“There was a cow, she gave milk, they didn’t take the milk, it turned sour. Let this not happen to this product, let there be someone who needs it. Amen".

Help with car sales

Selling a car is a fairly common type of financial relationship between people. People, and especially men, change cars quite often. After buying a new car, the old one, of course, needs to be sold in order to justify at least part of the money spent. For the ceremony, you need to meet with a potential buyer, you need to behave good-naturedly and affably. During the trip, you should say the following words several times:

“I’m going to meet you to sell. Will you roll a new person. Headlights flash, steering wheel, turn, let my deal go well.

A very important detail is that the car must be turned in such a way that the hood faces east.

Other conspiracies to sell cars

A person selling a personal vehicle can apply any of the plots he likes to sell a car. The main thing is that it pleases you and does not go against your inner feelings. As additional magical items, you can use consecrated water, salt, sugar, candles, keys (spells to sell for keys), coins, paper bills, and so on.

However, men tend to choose those rituals in which nothing extra is required, that is, the so-called "dry conspiracies." One of these ceremonies is the rite for the sale of a car with a mandatory bypass of the car.

You need to arrive at the meeting point with a potential buyer, then get out of the car. Walk around your vehicle in a counterclockwise direction, making one circle. At the same time, say the following words to yourself:

“I make a circle, I turn things around. Get a new owner. Let him bring the money."

How to profitably sell a business

Owning a business or a business in which so much money and effort has been invested is probably one of the most valuable goods that money can buy. Of course, the buyer is interested in the transaction being profitable for you, and there were no pitfalls.

Such transactions are usually made in the most comfortable conditions - over a cup of coffee, in a cozy cafe or restaurant. However, despite this, this is a risky operation, so you need to be on the alert, and, if possible, increase the degree of success with a magic spell.

On the eve of the transaction, you should stand in front of the mirror, pick up your wallet and say these words:

“My flesh and blood, my work, I sell you to other hands. You were mine, you will become a stranger. Let the payment for this be worthy and the new owner not deceive me. Work for the good of another person, bring him good, as you once brought me.

You have become acquainted with many conspiracies that are often used in one case or another when you need to sell something. A special combination of words can become your assistant and guarantee that the transaction will be successful. Be honest with yourself and the buyer, practice magic wisely and then the sale will be 100% successful and easy.

Today, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will explain to you how to properly perform independent rituals for the successful sale of goods, so that it really becomes one. Following my advice, you yourself will be able to help yourself in simple everyday situations when there is no need for professional magical intervention.

In the magic of money, there are strong rites, complex and to some extent dangerous, not recommended in, as well as a huge number of effective conspiracies for good sales of goods - simple, but at the same time quite effective.

Some conspiracies have a ritual part, others do not, but it should be noted that magicians very often use simple conspiracies to successfully sell things in order to enhance the main impact. In other words, in order for the result of the work to be good and more or less stable, the work must always be carried out in a complex manner.

A strong plot for a quick sale - how to attract customers

Conspiracies for a quick and successful sale of your product turn out to be useful, in whatever area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity you apply your efforts and skills. Whether you are trading in food or manufactured goods, selling cars, land or real estate, or selling services - the same product, but non-property, money magic will help you. But, proven, effective conspiracies for a quick successful sale of goods must be carried out in full confidence in their rightness, with faith in their positive result. If there are doubts about the magical ritual for good luck in sales, what kind of success can we talk about?

The best option is to make a witchcraft ritual for the profitable sale of goods in a complex way. This is a professional approach. Rites are performed systematically and for money, and for successful trading, and for general well-being. Runes are perfectly combined with black magic. There are very good formulas and stakes for wealth, good and prosperity. In combination with runic magic for money and success, black book conspiracies for the quick sale of things will be even more effective.
If you do not have experience with runic egregor, this should not stop you. Experience comes in the process of witchcraft practice, in the process of application. Runes for the successful sale of topics are good that they also work for beginners. Of course, not in the volume, and not with the power of influence that the masters achieve, but, nevertheless, there is a result. Good results can be achieved without involving other Forces, working only with unclean spirits or with a cemetery egregor. In the rituals of black magic there is conspiracy to sell goods which are easy to make on your own. Naturally, observing all the rules of magical work.

The most powerful rituals for a profitable sale must be done in a complex.

Plus a constant repetition - monthly in the phase of the growing moon. The ideal period for conspiracies to attract customers and increase product sales is the new moon. Yes, it’s worth saying that technically simple conspiracies for good luck in sales can turn out to be very strong in practice. It all depends on how much effort you put into an independent ritual for good luck and attracting money into your life. Such will be the return.

Let's return for a minute to the issue of runic magic in complex work with black rites and conspiracies for good sales. If you don’t want or are afraid to use runes, then you should pay attention to magical talismans for success,. Money talismans and amulets also work very, very well, provided that you correctly built them for yourself.

A strong conspiracy to sell goods - with a reading candle for trading

When you want to quickly sell your product, and get good money out of it, you need a conspiracy to quickly and successfully sell the product. Take a wax candle and, without lighting it, tap on the thing you need to sell, and read these words 7 times:

“Ride on horseback, walk on foot, but go to my bargain, and look after my goods, whoever throws himself in the eye, he will part with peace, at night he will reach for this thing, in the daytime he will declare on it, he won’t count the money, he will get fooled by this thing, he will part with the money, he will only look at the thing, the money is not counted, but for this thing they are given, then demonic spells, black spells, they are gold to the merchant, but they are a mess to the people, a candle is a witness, if it burns with fire, then everything will be done, in a word it will be fulfilled, yes my purse is full of money. Amen".

Read a conspiracy to quickly sell things seven times, after which burn the candle entirely.

Do 3 days in a row. The item will be sold soon. To do on the growing moon - to attract customers to the store. The rite is suitable not only for the trade in things, but also for the sale of real estate. If you are selling a house or apartment, it is not at all necessary to knock a candle on the walls. It is enough to pat on the photo of your property or on the BTI plan. Reviews of the plot for a successful sale are good, the magic ritual is effective and efficient. Helpers need a ransom. On the third day, at the crossroads, at the end of the witchcraft rite to bring good luck and money to life.

If there is a negative on the performer, there will most likely be no result. Magic negative can be of various kinds:

  • evil eye,
  • damage,
  • kradnik,
  • road closure,
  • intercept luck,
  • family curse.

Therefore, before read a plot for a successful trade in a store or on the market, make a diagnosis, figure out what kind of negative is on you, and then select the most effective cleaning. Only in this way will the most powerful conspiracies for sale be effective; money magic has its own immutable rules.

After a home conspiracy for a profitable sale of goods gives the desired result, do not boast, do not tell everyone and luck, absolutely no one, be silent, never tell anyone because of what you are lucky, not drunk not sober, otherwise it will be bad, in a hundred times away from you. And I want to brag! Especially for a newbie. But, we must learn to be silent. Silence is the most important condition for conceived deeds and strong home rituals for good luck in trading.
The magic ritual is effective and working, read a conspiracy for an urgent sale of goods for 3 days in a row, give time to the witchcraft rite for promotion (in most cases, the result begins to appear the next day, but not for everyone), wait until it fully works out, will go down in your history practice, give yourself time to analyze the work.

Effective conspiracies for the quick sale of goods in the store

A good plot for a profitable sale, which I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, now want to offer you, has a simple ritual part. Spell words are spoken for trade, for a product, or a separate thing that needs to be sold. Read actionable quick sale spell such a plan is possible at any time of the day. But, better in the morning, before trading in the store.

While reading this strong conspiracy to sell goods, hold a nickel in your left hand. Put your hand with the coin on the thing that needs to be sold urgently. And then throw this nickel at a pedestrian intersection. He's going to go ransom.

“I persuade power, I speak with ancient persuasion, with strong words. I correct, I magnify, I bestow this luck on my bargaining: dark-looking demons, be my helpers, in the black division, guarantors. Help and help so that whenever someone, at least be old, at least be small, is female, and if he is male, when he sees a thing, he will not be able to cope with this feeling, his gaze will shine with desire, like the sun, like a robe with a puffed up. We would drag the thing to him, everyone was seduced by it, otherwise they admired the greyhound, they would have pulled things to me, the fingers on the hand closed the thing with me. They paid us with gold and silver, and they left the yard as soon as possible. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Summary: this home-made conspiracy for the profitable sale of things is a worker. One note: the power of the magic spell is enough for 1 day, but it is enough. Maybe someone will last longer. But, there is a calculation to read daily. Every day, and bring in the ransom - a nickel at the crossroads. While reading effective conspiracy for a quick and successful sale property, you can feel the energy return - from slight dizziness to nausea. It is important here to follow all the rules of the witchcraft rite for success in trading, and, of course, you should be protected.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

An effective conspiracy for a profitable sale of white magic

The question is the following: your goods are expensive, piece, you need to sell, of course, at a profit, and the buyer “ripens” for a long time, thinks. How to hurry him up, how to push him to make a decision? Try to make an effective conspiracy for the profitable sale of an expensive thing. It's very simple:

“The plowman plows, the blacksmith forges, the merchant sells goods. The reaper goes into the field, the buyer carries the money. The reaper in the field reaps, the buyer (name the product that you sell) will take it for himself. Amen".

And although white rituals and conspiracies for a successful sale are often scolded, this particular one turned out to be a very good spell for good luck in selling an expensive thing. It is simply read on the goods, but visualization plays a special role in the magical rite.

A strong conspiracy for good sales - rites of practical money magic

When washing yourself before trading, read on your own to make the words of a conspiracy to sell stale goods. Then wipe your face with a new handkerchief, and take it with you to trade.

Ritual with a conspiracy to quickly sell real estate:

Ritual with a conspiracy to quickly sell real estate:
Usually, even today, the sale of an apartment is associated with certain events taking place in life. Therefore, sometimes it is very important to sell an apartment for a certain period of time. In such cases, people resort to a strong conspiracy to sell the apartment. For its implementation it is necessary:

Mix sugar, salt and rice in a glass bowl. Take all the ingredients in half a glass.
After the contents are thoroughly mixed, stick a new pin with the tip down into the center of the mixture. At the same time, one should say: “Not to evil people, but to good people, I sell what I don’t need for happiness and prosperity.

Remove the vessel to a secluded place near the entrance to the house.
The ritual is performed on the waning moon. It should be remembered that conspiracies that should remove something: a disease, an unnecessary thing, it is better to read on the waning moon. And yet, after the property is sold, it is necessary to distribute alms to the six needy people that you will see. And the contents, together with the vessel, should be buried in a deserted place at sunrise.

What to do if the apartment is located unsuccessfully

Conspiracy to sell a house There are many different plots to sell real estate. Some of them are quite serious and require special knowledge and skills. However, this is rarely required. Only in extreme cases, when the timely sale of housing can affect human life, then they resort to such rituals. This includes a plot to sell a house quickly and successfully. Well, if your personal life is not going well, then you will need a prayer for good luck in love.

To do this, contact the housekeeper for help:

You need to go around the house counterclockwise three times.
During the round, you must bow to every corner in the house. In this case, contact the housekeeper:

"Father, Master! Help, sell the house, take your share.

Put the brownie coin in a secret place. He will definitely help.
If you are selling an apartment, but you feel that the brownie does not want to let you go, then think about the possibility of calling him with you. Sometimes, it helps.

Quite often it happens that it is necessary to sell an apartment, but it is located in the wrong place or the neighbors are not very good. Therefore, buyers, after inspecting the property, refuse to buy. You can help in this case too. There is a very simple conspiracy to sell real estate. It is necessary before the arrival of the next buyers to go around the house in the sun and say:

“Thresholds are gilded, matrices are twisted, pillars are carved, windows are crystal. Love to buy. May it be so! Amen!".

The situation will change radically. There is one more good advice in this case, you just have to believe that everything planned will be successfully fulfilled. It is this belief that is often lacking.

Selling a home can be quite a hassle, and it takes a lot of effort and energy to find a buyer who is willing to pay your price. Undoubtedly, magic will help in these chores. There is one very effective way that has helped many. You should pay close attention to it.

So: pour clean water into a basin and say to it:

“Four corners, walls and doors, I refuse you. Whoever hires you will bring me money. May it be so! Amen!".

With spoken water, you need to wash the floor in the whole house, but throw the water out onto the road. This must be done without witnesses. A similar plot for the successful sale of an apartment can be done before the arrival of potential buyers.
How to sell an apartment and build a house

Recently, such a trend has become noticeable when people from cramped apartments are trying to move to a separate house. Building a house requires money and therefore the apartment must be sold. In this case, a simple conspiracy to quickly sell an apartment will help. It should be repeated many times:

“The buyer walked, came to us, bought an apartment, gave money. We will build a house and leave a reserve. Amen".

Such simple and unpretentious slander has already helped many people. There are additional conspiracies for the sale of real estate that require simple rituals. For example, take a new broom and talk to him at three in the morning:

“As rubbish from the house is met, so I call buyers to me. They will come, they will buy an apartment, and I will stay in the new house. Amen".

It is read if you need to quickly and profitably sell real estate.

Do not forget about the most important thing when pronouncing the words "Khantaa ular", which means: "thank you, this is my will, so be it", hands must be folded in a boat in front of the chest and make a slight bow.

Conspiracy text:

"I'm talking about an apartment for a quick sale. Without toffee and delay, but quickly and immediately.
I take away deceit, throw it away, send it along other roads.
The deal will be fair and profitable for (name).
There is supply and there will be demand. There will always be a buyer.
Khantaa ular."

A REALLY WORKING ritual with a hammer (for the sale of movable and immovable property).
Take a HAMMER (try to experience courage, a sense of joy, in anticipation of the sale ...)
And start tapping the walls of the apartment, or the room that needs to be sold, with the words: "SOLD .... SOLD" and knock on the wall with a hammer (do not knock hard, but with feeling!) You can even play auctions and end up saying these words: "THE APARTMENT LOCATED AT THE ADDRESS...................... SOLD!!!" AND BIT THE HAMMER!

To sell real estate, you can put 9 sunflowers in the southern part of the room, or you can do such a ceremony. On Wednesday, Friday or Saturday, read the following conspiracy three, seven, nine, twelve times in front of the front door and in all corners of the house or apartment: “I am a merchant, always well done. We will sell our goods to everyone. - our product. Amen." It is better to do this on the growing moon and in the first half of the day.

Conspiracy for different things

You can say a few words about the "successful scarf." Such a scarf will help in all endeavors related to money matters. Still, selling an apartment is a matter of material well-being, especially in cases where you do not want to reduce the price, but you need to sell it very quickly. Such a scarf will also help from evil people, scammers, of whom there are so many in the real estate market.

Before you go to a meeting, you need to wash your face with clean water with linden honey. You need very little honey. Wipe your face dry with a clean handkerchief of bright yellow or red color. Then the following words should be pronounced: “Just as you cannot count the stars in the sky, you cannot crush the stone with your hands, so no one can take my word from me. I am a merchant, I have a golden crown, like bees for honey, so the buyer will come to me. so! Amen!"

This handkerchief should be carried with you in cases where assistance is required in any business affairs.
How to sell a house with a plot

Sometimes it happens that you have to sell a summer house or a country house, along with a land plot. And in this case, there are some peculiarities. For example, a conspiracy to sell a land plot must be pronounced at night, on a waning moon. To do this, you should pick three branches from any trees or bushes, do not forget, they should grow on the site itself, and not nearby. Light a candle and surround it with branches counterclockwise, while saying the words:

“Grow up with me, grow up with another owner. To the delight of you and me, care for you, prosperity for me. May it be so! Amen!".

Then these branches must be placed in water or dug from the edge of the site. Before you pronounce a conspiracy to sell the cottage, you need to stand in front of her and look: is everything all right? Remember that money tends to cleanliness. Tidy up the dacha and the plot and say at the same time:

“Money to me, home to the buyer. I sell the house, and my happiness is with me always and everywhere. Amen!".

The use of such rituals will definitely help. But, as in any business, it has its own peculiarities. Some conventions should be followed, for example, all conspiracy rituals should be done without witnesses. You should not talk about the conspiracies and slanders carried out. They must remain secret, only in this case you can count on their help. Also, you have to believe in what you say. The more faith invested in words and thoughts, the greater the chance of success.

Prayer to Saint Spyridon.
O Blessed Saint Spyridon!
Pray for the mercy of the Humanitarian God, may he not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may he do with us by his grace. Ask us, the servants of God (names), from Christ and God our peaceful serene life, health of mind and body. Deliver us from all troubles of the soul and body, from all languor and devilish slander.
Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and implore the Lord, may he grant forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, but grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, may we unceasingly send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and forever, and forever and ever.

At a certain time, each of us is faced with the need to sell some thing. And in order not to give it away to a new owner for nothing, people turn to magic, with which you can quickly find a new owner for a thing and at the same time get a decent amount for the sale. If you are also interested in profitably selling unnecessary property, we offer special magical conspiracies.

Using conspiracies to sell property, the customer of the rite will not only be able to find a buyer as soon as possible, but also arrange a successful deal with financial gain for himself. In addition, rituals using such conspiracies help eliminate adverse situations and minimize possible problems.

There are a lot of conspiracies that involve turning to dark or light forces. Both those and other spells are aimed at achieving the same goal. They differ in the impact effect, the circumstances of the transaction, a set of additional paraphernalia (key, coins, etc.). Depending on what situation you have, you can choose the most suitable plot for the sale of property. Below we present some of the most relevant magical texts and rituals.

If you are interested in how to make a successful deal for the sale of real estate in the shortest possible time, pay attention to this conspiracy. it strong rite for a quick sale. It accelerates the acquisition of housing (apartment, house).

To carry out such a ritual, it is enough to purchase some kind of delicacy. It will be needed to appease the brownie. If you want the brownie to help attract a real buyer to the house for sale and not prevent him from making a purchase, do the following.

Stand in the doorway late at night. Bow towards the farthest corner in the room. Say the words of the conspiracy-appeal to the brownie:

“Brownie, master of the house! Accept a treat from us and let the new owners into the house. They will not offend you, you will also live with them forever.

Putting a treat in the far corner, go to sleep. Soon, one of the potential buyers, when inspecting the property for sale, will want to purchase it.

If you need to sell an apartment very quickly

This ritual will help to carry out a swiftly fast and no less successful sale of an apartment. In order to be able to complete the purchase of real estate in a short time, use the key to the apartment for the ceremony.

In order for the ritual to be of high quality and bring the long-awaited purchase closer, you should first prepare. First you need to determine when the phase of the growing moon will come. On one of these days, in the source closest to your property (spring, well), draw water into a glass vessel. Returning home, place the key to the apartment for sale in a vessel with natural liquid. Now say the magic text for a successful and very quick purchase. His words should sound like this:

“Buyers come to my house from all sides, they want to buy it. Buyers praise the house. Their eyes are covered with soap and filled with water. They will buy it without an eye, but without bargaining. I give up the house in order to quickly and profitably sell it.

This strong conspiracy to sell property should be pronounced 4 times.

Each time turn to face one of the cardinal points. After saying the required number of times the magic text for the successful sale of your residential property, remove the key. Splash the charmed liquid under the threshold of the house. This will attract more potential buyers to the object of sale. Among them will be the future new owner.

To make more money

To help out for the sale of your property (movable or immovable) as much money as possible, perform the following rite. Having prepared a handful of coins of different denominations, lay them out in the corners of the property for sale. At the same time, read the plot for a profitable and successful deal:

“As water tends to the shores, so money is attracted to me. They will return the money to me.

In this position, the coins should be within three days. Only then can they be collected. They should be taken to the church to distribute to the poor. Be sure that a real buyer will make a purchase in the near future and on your terms.

A reliable way to speed up the sale

This rite is no less powerful. This conspiracy is aimed not only at a quick sale, but also at the successful completion of the transaction. It is used in cases where it is necessary to carry out the sale of immovable residential property.

For the ritual you will need:

  • 6 coins of the same denomination;
  • 2 white blank paper sheets;
  • candle.

Before putting up a property for sale, or submit an advertisement for its sale, do the following. One day, with the growing moon, tear off a small piece of whitewash. Be sure to scrape it off the east wall in any room. Put the resulting piece on paper until the next morning. In the morning, wrap the contents and set fire to the leaf from the candle, putting it in a saucer. When everything burns out, collect the ashes in another paper sheet, previously folded into a bag. Take six kopecks and ashes to the crossroads. Scattering the contents of a paper bag on it, say an effective plot for a successful sale:

“As I scatter ashes in the wind, so I invite the merchant. The wind will scatter the ashes around the world, tell me about my need, bring me a buyer who will complete the purchase and help me. Amen".

Then you need to leave a ransom. To do this, throw all prepared coins over your left shoulder at the crossroads. At the same time, another conspiracy for a successful sale should sound (for the buyer - a quick purchase):

“What I asked for, I paid for it.”

You must return home immediately. It is forbidden to look back. Don't talk to anyone along the way. From the next day, you can expect the arrival of a real buyer.

Speak the keys

There is another strong conspiracy, for which you will also need the key to the apartment. Before you sell your own property, you need to collect some water in a natural source in advance. Returning home, it should fill the pan. Putting it on the fire, wait for the water to boil, and then throw in the key to the property being sold. Now say the spell:

“Just as people cannot imagine their life without doors and locks, so they cannot do without (product name). Just as a person cannot live without water and food, so he cannot live without (again, the name of property).

Now turn off the heat and set the pot of water aside. Remove the key, and pour the water into a glass jar wrapped in foil. Hands should be washed with this charmed liquid before an important sale event.

In any business, there can be a lull. What should a seller do if no one is interested in his product? Since ancient times, a special conspiracy for sale has been used in magical practice. With the help of this conspiracy, you can attract customers and successfully develop your business with minimal effort. This kind of conspiracy is a strong magical act, with the help of which the business will go uphill as soon as possible.

As with any magical act, certain rules must be observed in a conspiracy to sell. It should be remembered that such actions belong to the category of white magic and will not bring any harm to the performer. subject to the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to keep a positive attitude and not allow doubts about the power of the ritual.
  2. You can't wish ruin on your competitor.
  3. Believe in the words and actions performed during the ceremony.
  4. Rites are held only in two lunar phases: on the full moon and on the waning moon.

Subject to simple rules, the rite for sale will be successful and will do without consequences for the astral energy of the performer. It will turn out to quickly sell the necessary goods and strengthen the business in the future.

Rite for a quick sale

It often happens that after the store is open, customers are not in a hurry to buy. In this situation, a conspiracy to sell goods will help, which must be read on the full moon. For its implementation, you will need a piece of white fabric, on which you need to pour handful of rice cereal.

After that, rice groats are wrapped in a tight bag and a church candle is lit. Then the words of the spell are recited:

In the middle of the field, there was a ruined house that did not attract anyone to itself. The servant of God (his name) patched up the walls, changed the roof, covered the walls with paint. Serves the house faithfully to the new owner, has become a stronghold of wealth and happiness! The goods will not stay long in such a house! Amen.

During the casting of the spell, the bag of rice cereal is held in the left hand, and the candle in the right. Only after all the premises of the store have been passed, the candle is extinguished and thrown away, and the charged bag must be hidden in the store in a secluded place. After such a ceremony, trade will go briskly and the goods put up for sale will disperse very quickly.

Words on a thread

There is also a strong thread conspiracy. To do this, you need to take a ball of red woolen thread. Then light three white candles and put them in a triangle. A ball is placed inside this triangle and the words of the spell are read:

“Fire brings the new and creates. The ball takes on good luck! The incoming client buys the goods, he leaves his money to me. My business is expanding, profits are growing! A ball of money gives me all the energy! Amen".

After the spell is cast, it is necessary to wrap all the door handles with a ball of thread. The energy of the charmed thread will encourage buyers to spend their money. It also makes sense to wrap the thread on the handles located on the furniture, which the buyer can take on.

How to sell a stale item

There are also situations when it is necessary to sell some old thing privately, but there are no buyers for it. In order for such a thing to be sold, a conspiracy for water is performed. To carry it out you will need:

  • towel;
  • deep bowl of water
  • church candle.

Before starting the ritual, it is necessary to light a church candle. After that, the thing is taken in hand, and holding it over a bowl of water, the words of the spell are pronounced:

“Water-water, my faithful sister. Help sell (name of thing) as quickly as possible. The buyer will come with the money, bring the required amount! Sister Voditsa, strong enchantress, listen to me, help!

A conspiracy to quickly sell things must be read during the waning moon, in the evening. After the ceremony is completed, the item should be washed with water from the bowl and wiped dry with a towel. The remaining water is poured into the street, after which the thing is wiped dry with a towel.

Appeal to Simoron

Simoron is a kind of system for fulfillment of desires through positive thinking. After all, it is known that any thought is material. It usually does not require the use of any magical actions or spells. Simoron in its action is more like energy rituals using the power of thought in a playful way.

Such a game form is well suited for creating an appropriate positive mood, so that a person will relax and get an effective result from the game process. In other words, with the help of Simoron, the framework of standard thinking is expanded.

One of the Simoron techniques for fulfilling the plan can be a ritual with raspberry jam. To perform it, you will need a laminated photo card with the image of the performer of the ceremony. Next, you should smear the photo with jam and lick it off, giving yourself a mental setting for the successful completion of the work begun.

Conspiracy to sell a business

In order to successfully sell a business, you need to resort to conspiracy on a nail. Many successful sellers use this method. To conduct the ceremony, you must take a steel nail and a red candle. With a lit candle and a nail, you must go through all the commercial premises that are to be sold. After which the spell is read:

“A sharp end, piercing into granite, promises to bring profit. A flat hat closes a hole with itself, money will never pass by! Suli luck, profit and glory! Seller buyer bound by a thread for glory!”

After casting the spell, the nail must be hammered in the most inconspicuous place. The ritual has a dual purpose. At the same time, this is a strong conspiracy to sell and a strong talisman that is charged with positive energy.

Ring conspiracy

There is also a quick plot that can help sell a business. using an iron ring. You need to know that the ring should only be new and made of non-precious metals.

The ring must be placed in a bowl of salt and read the words of the conspiracy: “Everything goes in a circle, everything closes here. I will call a friend to help, everything is as it is! A ring will attract money to itself, the seeker will find, he will find his business! Amen.

After the ritual, the ring must be hidden in a secluded place and not taken out until the sale is completed. After the transaction is completed, the ring must be thrown away in a deserted place with the words: “Thank you for your help, now everyone is happy! We go our separate ways."

Strengthen the effect of conspiracies it is possible with the help of prayers that are addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It should be remembered that the prayer for the sale of things is pronounced in solitude and in complete peace of mind. It is recommended to read prayers with a lit church candle. Prayer for the sale of goods is pronounced in the form of a petition.

“Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, I will turn to you with a request. Send an honest, generous buyer, bargaining is appropriate. Forgive the sinful soul and help. Take the evil and dashing people away, lead me past me. May your righteous will be done, amen."

A successful way of conspiracy is the one that brings the greatest positive result. It is also important to remember that before selling the necessary thing, it must be presented in the most positive light, indicating all its advantages. These rules of worldly business, combined with prayers and rituals, will achieve the greatest result.

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