Another optical provocation: are the sneakers gray or pink?  Gray or pink: Why we see colors differently Which sneakers are gray or pink

Another optical provocation: are the sneakers gray or pink? Gray or pink: Why we see colors differently Which sneakers are gray or pink

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Recently, CNYCentral tweeted a photo of a sneaker and invited users to tell us what colors they see - pink and white or gray and green. The story with the blue and black dress repeated itself, and the Internet was divided into two camps.

Naturally, social media users saw different colors. It seemed to someone that the sneakers were made of pink fabric, while someone decided that they were made of light green. Photographers, in turn, noted that the camera, most likely, simply built the white balance incorrectly. Who is right?

A person has a more developed daytime vision, in which we distinguish all elements of the surrounding world, including color. Light enters the eye through the lens, hitting the retina at the back of the eye. Wavelengths of different wavelengths activate neural connections in the visual cortex in different ways, which translate signals into images. Night vision allows us to see the outlines and movement of objects, but their colors are lost.

During the day, however, color perception is not always so clear. Under different lighting, the color scheme of an object is perceived differently, and the brain also takes this into account. You probably noticed that the same color at dawn may seem pink-red to us, during the day - white-blue, and at sunset - red. The thing is that we perceive color in the context of its environment.

If we take the situation with the dress, then those who take the light in the background for the sun, decide that the dress is in the shade, so its light areas are obviously blue. Someone in the same bright light is more accustomed to seeing the whiteness of the dress. This is the most common version. However, the brain of about 30% of people does not take into account the light in the background at all - in this case, the dress seems blue to him, and the gold fragments then look like black.

Thus, each person looking at sneakers and a dress has his own experience and level of concentration, his own specific eye movements. And you also need to take into account the level of lighting in the room in which he looks at objects, as well as the color gamut of objects that the brain fixed before switching attention - all this taken together gives a difference in perception.

Do you still remember the madness of 2015 when all the netizens were arguing about what color the dress was? He was replaced by a new sower of chaos. Now people are wondering about the color of sneakers!

Many social media users missed the riddles and rushed to discuss what color the sneakers are in the photo - gray and mint or pink and white. While part of the population of the Network was arguing with foam at the mouth, the other (boring) half resorted to common sense. People began to argue that Vans does not make mint gray sneakers, so the photo most likely underwent processing, or was taken in the wrong light.

The mystery was solved pretty quickly, and hopefully no one's relationship was hurt. A girl with the nickname alisha, who posted a viral photo in a new post, announced that the sneakers are actually pink with white laces. She confirmed that everything depends on the light! However, this discovery does not negate the fact that some people saw pink colors in the picture with changed lighting ...

The whole thing is really in the play of light and in the features of ours. Let's remember this until the next such stuffing!


The transition week between 2019 and 2020 is finally giving us the opportunity to relax a little and take a break not only from work, but also from astrological events. Last week there was the Winter Solstice, Eclipse, New Moon and now, charged with the energy of these events, our actions and thoughts, we are moving into 2020. Let go of all grievances, this is very important at the energy level. Give thanks for the meetings, mistakes, gifts and lessons that the year has brought you. And make your wildest wishes - they come true! I do not recommend writing them down, and then burning them and eating them, it is better to write them in your new diary or on a separate sheet, and at the end of next year, burn them and wash them off with water. Or keep it as a keepsake. The brightest and most sincere happiness to you in the New Year!

How to spend the transition week between 2019 and 2020 you will learn from the Lunar calendar.

The secret is "light correction"

Netizens are buzzing about the unusual sneaker, which looks gray with green laces to some and pink with white laces to others. Moreover, in the reports devoted to the illusion, it is argued that the perceived colors can be used to judge a person's thinking: gray-green color indicates the dominant left hemisphere, "responsible" for logical thinking, and white-pink - about the dominant "creative" right hemisphere.

Naturally, in reality, a person’s inclinations cannot be judged by what colors he sees in the picture - the influence of the “dominant” hemisphere on perception is outright misinformation, and the very idea of ​​​​the “creative” and “logical” hemispheres of the brain is a common and repeatedly refuted myth. However, the image caught the attention of numerous internet users.

The most "sensible" illusion of this kind can be considered n, and some could at first be sure of one of these options, and after some time suspect that the photograph was simply replaced. As Jane Nitz, a neuroscientist at the University of Washington, explained back then, the reason for such disputes is that the human brain always perceives certain colors, focusing on “context”. Therefore, different people interpreted the lighting in a photograph in different ways, and therefore subconsciously “filtered out” different shades.

In November last year, a largely similar one was published. Other similar images have appeared on the Internet several times (including with, like the above sneakers), but compared to the dress, they attracted much less attention.